

The results of an international multicenter randomized double-blind-controlled study of evaluating the effectiveness of the effectiveness and safety of consistent therapy of patients with chronic brain ischemia with Mexidol and Mexidol Forte 250 (study of Memo)

A.I. Fedin 1 , V.V. Zakharov 2 , M.M. Tanashian 3 , E.I. Chukanova 1 , E.N. Majidova 4 , L.A. Shchepankevich 5.6 , O.D. Ostroumova 7

1 FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia;
2 FGAOU VO "First Moscow Medical University named after THEM. Sechenov »Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia;
3 FGBNU "Scientific Center for Neurology", Moscow, Russia;
4 Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan;
5 FSBEI in Novosibirsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Novosibirsk, Russia;
6 FGBNU "Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Transalized Medicine", Novosibirsk, Russia;
7 FSBEA DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2021, T.121, No. 11

Purpose of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of consistent therapy with the drug Mexidol intravenously and Mexidol Forte 250 orally in patients with chronic brain ischemia.

Material and methods. In the international multicenteric randomized double-blind-controlled study, 318 patients with a chemical place from 40 to 90 years are included in 15 clinical centers, located in the territory of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Patients were randomized in 2 groups, patients of the 1st group received Mexidol intravenously 500 mg once a day for 14 days, then Mexidol Forte 250 was prescribed orally 250 mg 3 times a day for the next 60 days; Patients of the 2nd group received placebo in a similar mode. As the primary criterion for effectiveness, the average value of the change in the point on the MOCA scale was chosen at the stage of completion of the study by the patient compared to the initial level.

Results. Upon completion of the study between the 1st and 2nd groups, reliable differences were identified by the result of the MOCA scale (p <0.000001). The lower boundary of 95% of the trust interval for the difference in the average indicators of the main criterion for the effectiveness between the 1st and 2nd groups was 1.51, which allows the higher efficiency of the use of Mexidol. According to the secondary endpoints, a statistically significant advantage over the placebo at the final visit was achieved by the following parameters: a test of digital symbol replacements, an asthenia assessment scale, a Bek anxiety scale, a tineta questionnaire, a Tinetti scale, a SF-36 questionnaire (psychological component of health), and a psychological component of health). CGI scale (a general clinical impression scale). The comparable nature of the safety profile of Mexidol and placebo is established.

Conclusion. The validity and expediency of the consistent use of Mexidol and Mexidol Forte 250 in the treatment of patients with chemicals are demonstrated.

Keywords: chronic brain ischemia, cognitive disorders, neuropsychological testing, ethylmethylhydroxypyrididine succinate, Mexidol, Mexidol Forte 250, treatment of chemicals, examination of memes.

The role of antioxidant therapy in patients with the new coronavirus infection of the Covid-19 of the Motenza and Severe

E.K. Shavarova 1.2 , E.R. Kazamedov 1 , M.V. Alekseeva 1 , L.G. Yezhova 2 , railway Cobalava 1

1 Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (RUDN), Moscow, Russian Federation;
2 City Clinical Hospital named after V.V. Vinogradov Department of Health of the city of Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation

Place of publication:
Infectious diseases, 2021, T. 19, No. 1, P. 159–164

the new coronavirus infection Covid-19 is characterized by high mortality and the absence of effective etiotropic therapy. Activation of oxidative stress may be one of the links in the pathogenesis of organ damage against the background of this infection. Target. Assessment of the ability of the drug Mexidol ® to influence the speed of clinical improvement in pneumonia in hospitalized patients with a new Covid-19 coronaviral infection. The study includes 62 patients over the age of 18 years with a confirmed new coronavirus infection COVID-19 according to computed tomography (CT) of the lungs (stages KT1, KT2, KT3) and studies by the polymerase chain reaction from the nasopharynx and oropharynx on the SARS virus RNA SARS COV-2. After randomization, patients of the 1st group received infusion of Mexidol at a dose of 1000 mg/day for 7 days, patients of the 2nd group-infusion of isotonic sodium chloride solution. Compared to the control group in patients who received therapy with Mexidol, a reliably more pronounced decrease in body temperature, and a tendency to reduce the severity of shortness of breath were noted. In the Mexidol group, the concentration of superoxidsmutase has not changed, while in the control group there was a tendency to reduce it, the C-reactive protein decreased 2.2 times more than in the control group (p = 0.09). The tendency to a more rapid decrease in ferritin in the active intervention group has been identified. Mexidol therapy can have a positive effect on the clinical manifestations and the severity of laboratory-inflammatory syndrome in patients with a new Covid-19 coronaviral infection. Key words: new coronavirus infection Covid-19, oxidative stress, Mexidol.

The results of a multicenter dual blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical study on the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of the drug Mexidol in the treatment of attention deficit syndrome in children (mega)

N.N. Zavadenko 1 , N.Yu. Suvorinova 1 , T.T. Batysheva 2 , O.V. Bykova 2 , A.N. Platonova 2 , D.D. Gainetdinova 3 , E.V. Levitina 4 , V.V. Machines 5 , I.N. Vakula 6 , N.E. Maksimova 7

1 FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia;
2 GBUZ "Scientific and practical center of children's psychoneurology of the Department of Health of Moscow", Moscow, Russia;
3 FSBEI in Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kazan, Russia;
4 FSBEI in Tyumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Tyumen, Russia;
5 FSBEI in Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia;
6 LLC "Center for Professional Therapy", Krasnodar, Russia;
7 FSBEI in the Tver State Medical University, Tver, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2022, T.122, No. 4

Purpose of the study. Evaluate the effectiveness and safety of two dosing modes of the drug Mexidol tablets covered with a film shell, 125 mg (NPK Farmasoft LLC, Russia), compared with placebo, in children with attention deficit (ADHD) from 6 to 12 years. Material and methods. The study was carried out in 14 clinical centers of the Russian Federation as a multicenter randomized double-blind, placbo-controlled double-controlled in 3 parallel groups. The study was attended by 333 children aged 6 to 12 years with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD, established in accordance with the criteria of the ICD-10 and DSM-5. After screening (up to 14 days), patients were randomized in 3 groups in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: Mexidol 125 mg 2 times a day, Mexidol 125 mg 1 time per day+placebo and placebo. The duration of treatment in all groups was 42 days. The study was completed by 332 children. The dynamics of the state was evaluated by the scales of the ADHD assessment and related disorders. Results. Statistically significant changes in the amount of the total score on the subx “Inattentiveness”, “Hyperactivity impulsivity” of the ADHG assessment scale through 6 weeks of therapy in all three groups of the study (P <0.05). At the same time, between the groups of Mexol 125 mg 1 time per day+placebo and placebo, as well as between Mexol groups 125 mg 2 times a day and placebo, expressed statistically significant differences were observed (for the PP: P = 0.000308 and P = 0.000024 Accordingly, for the population FAS: P = 0.000198 and P = 0.000024, respectively), which indicates the superiority of the therapy with Mexidol. According to most secondary criteria for effectiveness (average changes in points on the “Inattention” Snap-IV scale, the average change in scores “Hyperactivity impulsiveness” of the SNAP-IV scale, the average change in the cones index of the SNAP-IV scale, the average change in the value On the ADHD Rating Scale IV scale, assessments on the scale of the general clinical impression of the severity of ADHD, estimates on the general clinical impression scale - improvement) were also obtained statistically significant differences (p <0.05) when comparing the treatment of Mexido with placebo. The results of a statistical analysis of the frequency of the occurrence of undesirable phenomena, indicators of laboratory tests, and a physically examination demonstrate the absence of significant differences between compared groups in basic safety indicators. Conclusion. The treatment regimen with Mexol, tablets covered with a film shell, 125 mg 2 times a day, showed an advantage over Mexol's scheme tablets covered with a film shell, 125 mg once a day+placebo. A comparable nature of the security profiles of the studied dosing of the drug Mexidol and placebo was obtained. Keywords: attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity, inattention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, children, pharmacotherapy, ethylmethydlhydroxypyridine succinate, Mexidol.

Neuroprotection for cerebral disasters at the stage of ambulance

V.L. Dvushkevich, A.I. Okunevsky

FSBEI in Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko "of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Voronezh

Place of publication:
Medical alphabet No. 19/2017, volume No. 3. Emergency medicine

relevance. Neuroprotection is a mandatory component of intensive care of cerebral disasters in the prehospital and hospital stages of medical care. Target. Identification of the characteristics and adequacy of the ambulance personnel of the methods of neuroprotheres in various cerebral disasters. Materials and methods. To determine the level of knowledge and practical skills of neuroprotection of various cerebral disasters, anonymous voluntary questioning of 109 doctors of the SMP stations and 103 paramedics of the Voronezh city ambulance station was carried out. The effectiveness of the use of neuroprotectors for cerebral disasters was studied using a special protocol attached to the Chargage map of the Voronezh ambulance station. Results. Theoretical training in the neuroprotection section is considered sufficient 75 % of doctors and 57 % of paramedics. 25 % of doctors and 35 % of paramedics are considered insufficient theoretical training. The use of Mexidol intensive therapy in the intensive care of the prehospital stage has a pronounced positive clinical effect.

Original and reproduced drugs: what do the clinician need to know?

A.V. Schulkin, A.A. Filimonova
FSBEI in the Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ryazan, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2021, T. 121, No. 10, Issue. 2

in a review article, modern approaches to testing and registration of reproduced (generic) drugs are considered. The history of the formation of a methodology for research of reproduced drugs and modern legislation of the Russian Federation is presented. The stages of confirmation of the equivalence of original and reproduced drugs are described: pharmaceutical equivalence, bioequivalence and therapeutic equivalence. Methods of evaluating bioequivalence as a basic study in the registration of reproduced drugs are analyzed in detail. On the example of the original domestic neuroprotector of the drug Mexidol (ethylmethylhydroxypyrididine of succinate) and its generiks described how legislative acts are implemented in practice. It is concluded that not all reproduced drugs can be interchangeable with the original drug.

Keywords: original and reproduced drugs, generics, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, Mexidol.

Reproduced drugs: Benefit ratio/risk

E.A. Ushkalova 1 , S.K. Zyryanov 1.2 , I.A. Gopienko 1
1 FGAOU in Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, Moscow;
2 GBUZ in Moscow "City Clinical Hospital No. 24 of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow", Moscow

Place of publication:
neurology, neuropsychiatry, psychosomatics. 2021; 13 (6)

The review discusses the interchangeability of drugs (drugs), approaches to registering original and reproduced drugs and types of equivalence, as well as problems with generics in clinical practice. The results of pharmacoepidemiological studies, widely leading in recent years, indicate an insufficient study of the influence of reproduced drugs on remote outcomes of chronic diseases, including mortality. The long-term economic prospect of the use of reproduced drugs remains unclear. The main reasons for the difference between the original and reproduced drugs include differences in the methods of synthesis of active substances, as well as as part of auxiliary substances and impurities. Comparative studies of the therapeutic equivalence of generics with the original and are carried out quite rarely and often suffer from methodological disadvantages, which does not guarantee comparable efficiency and safety of such drugs. In this regard, the automatic replacement of drugs containing the same active substance, without the participation of the attending physician, should be avoided.

Keywords: generics; bioequivalence; pharmaceutical equivalence; therapeutic equivalence; interchangeability.

The effectiveness and safety of Mexidol in patients of different age groups in the acute and early recovery periods of the hemisphere ischemic stroke (the results of subanarized a randomized double blind multicenter placebo-controlled in parallel groups of the study of epic)

L.V. Stakhovskaya 1 , E.A. Mkhitaryan 2 , O.N. Tkachev 1.2 , T.M. Ostroumova 3 , O.D. Ostroumova 3.4

1 FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia;
2 Russian Gerontological Scientific and Clinical Center of the FGAOU in the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia;
3 FGAOU in the First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenov »Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia;
4 FSBEI of DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2020, T.120, No. 8, Issue 2

Purpose of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of prolonged sequential therapy with Mexidol with a hemisphere ischemic stroke in acute and early recovery periods in patients of various age groups.

Material and methods. The study is an additional analysis of age groups among 150 patients who took part in a randomized double blind multicenter placebo-controlled in parallel groups of the epic study. The entire study of the study (62 men and 88 women) was divided into subgroups by age: under 60 years old, 60–75 years old, 76–90 years. Also, all participants in the study were divided into 2 populations: ITT (Intent to Treat Population, patients who received at least one dose of the drug/placebo drug) and PP (Per Protocol Population, patients who received the drug in accordance with the research protocol). The results were evaluated on the modified Rankin scale (MSHR) at the end of the course of therapy, the Bartel index, the Bek depression scale, and the European questionnaire for assessing the quality of life.

Results. The effectiveness of Mexidol on all the scales used did not differ depending on age. At the time of the end of the therapy, the average MSHR score was lower in patients 76–90 years (in both populations) compared to placebo (p <0.001). The dynamics of reducing the average score in MSHR (1-5th visits) was more pronounced in patients of 60–75 years (p = 0.025), including patients with diabetes. In patients 76–90 years old and patients with diabetes mellitus compared to placebo, the severity of cognitive-affective symptoms of depression (p = 0.049 and p = 0.02, respectively), the share of patients with lack of problems with everyday affairs, increased statistically significant (P = P = P = P = P = P = P = P = P = P = P. 0.007 and p = 0.02, respectively). In patients with diabetes, the level of everyday activity (p = 0.023) has also increased statistically significantly significantly increased and the quality of life has improved (p = 0.045). There were no reliable differences in the frequency of unwanted phenomena in all studied groups.

Conclusion. It is recommended that the use of Mexidol in the acute and early recovery periods of ischemic stroke in all age groups, including patients with diabetes mellitus.

Key words: ischemic stroke, Mexidol, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, effectiveness and safety, ischemic stroke, acute period, early recovery period, epic.

Results of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study of the Effi Cace and Safety of Mexidol in Prolonged Sequential Therapy of Patient S in the Acute and Early Recovery Stages of Hemisphereic Stroke (The Epica Study)


LV Stakhovskaya 1 , Na Shamalov 1 , DR Khasanova 2 , Ev Mel'nikova 3 , AS AGAF'INA 4 , KV Golikov 5 , AA Yakupova 6 , LV Roshkovskaya 7 , LV LUKINYKH 8 , T. M Lokshtanova 9 , Ie Poverennova 10 , La SHEPANKEVICH 11

1 Research Institute of Cerebrovascular Pathology and Stroke, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia.
2 Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia.
3 St. Petersburg City Clinical Hospital No. 26, St. Petersburg, Russia.
4 St. Petersburg City Clinical Hospital No. 40 of the Resort Administrate District, St. Petersburg, Russia.
5 St. Petersburg City General Hospital no. 2, St. Petersburg, Russia.
6 Kazan Sate Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health, Kazan, Russia.
7 Nikolaevskaya Hospital, St. Petersburg, Russia.
8 Vsevolzhsk Clinical Internal Hospital, Leningradskaya Oblast, Russia.
9 Pirogov City Clinical Hospital No. 1, Samara, Russia.
10 SEREDAVIN SAMARA Regional Clinical Hospital, Samara, Russia.
11 Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Novosibirsk, Russia.

Place of publication:
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, Vol. 48, no. 8, October, 2018

Objectives. To Assess The Effi Cace and Safety of Prolonged Sequential Therapy with Mexidol in Patients with Hemispheric Ischemic Stroke (IS) In the Acute and Early Racovery Phasses. Materials and Methods. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Placebo Controlled, Parallel-Group Study InCluded 151 PATIENTS (62 MEN and 89 Women) Was Performed in Which 150 Aged 40–79 YEARS WERE RANDOMIZED. Simple Randomization Was Ussed to Defi Ne Two Groups: PATIENTS OF GROUP 1 Receved Mexidol Therapy at AT AT AT AT AT AT AT ATRAVENOS INTREaneUNUS Infusion for 10 Days followed BY INLAL DOSES of 1 tablet (125 Mg) Three Times A Day for Eight Weeks. PATIENTS OF GROUP 2 Receved Placebo by the Same Protocol. The Duration of Involved in the Trial Was 67–71 Days. Results. At the end of Treatment, Mean Scores on the Modifi Ed Rankin Scale (MRS) Were Lower in Group 1 That Group 2 (P = 0.04). Decresses in Mean Mrs Scores (At Visits 1–5) Were More Marked in Group 1 (P = 0.023). The Proportion of Patience Achieving Recovery Corresponding to 0–2 Points on the Mrs (At Visit 5) was Signifi Cantly Greater in Group 1 (P = 0.039). Testing on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale at Visit 5 Gave A Signifi Cantly Lower Score in Group 1 (P = 0.035). Decreases in Scores on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale at the End of Treatment Relative to the Baseline Level in Patients with Diabetes Were More Marked In Group 1 (P = P = P = 0 .038). In Group 1, The Total Population and the SubpopPulation of Paty Diabetes Mellitus Showed Morked Improvements in Quality of Life, Whis Apparent by Visit 2 Ion of Pathers with the Diffi Culty Mobilizing Was Signifi Cantly Greater in Group 1 (P = 0.022 ). There were no signifi carcasses in the frequencies of advers in patents of the Two Groups. Conclusions. Use of Mexidol in the Acute and Early Recovery Phasses of is IS Recommoded. Keywords: Acute Cerebrovascular Accident, Mexidol, EthylMethylhydroxypyridine Succinate, Effi Cace and Safety, Ischemic Stroke, Acute Phase, Early Reacovery Phase, Epica .

Resolution of the Council of Experts "The possibilities of neuroprotective therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and cognitive disorders"

Presidium of the Council of Experts:

Martynov A.I., MD, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the Department of Hospital therapy No. 1 of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia, President of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of therapists (RNDMO), Moscow

Tanashian M.M., MD, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, deputy. Director for scientific work of the FGBN “Scientific Center of Neurology”, Moscow

Malyavin A.G., MD, professor at the Department of Testions and Pulmonology Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of FSBEI in the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova ”of the Ministry of Health of Russia, chief freelance pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the Central Federal District, General Secretary of the RND, Moscow

Participants in the Council of Experts:

Bogolepova A.N. D.M.N., head of the cognitive violations department of the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology, FMBA of Russia, professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics of Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of Medicine in the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow

Borovkova N.Yu., MD, the first deputy. Director of the Institute of Therapy, Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy and General Medical Practice of the Volga Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.

Eliseeva L.N., MD, professor, head. Department of Faculty of Faculty of FSBENSI and Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Branch of the RND, Krasnodar

Zhuravleva M.V., MD, professor, professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the FGAOU in the First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), the main freelance specialist - a clinical pharmacologist of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow, Moscow

Zakharov V.V., MD, professor at the Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurosurgery of the FGAOU in "First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow

Koryagina N.A., MD, professor at the Department of Clinical therapy of FSBEI in Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner ”of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Vice-President of the Association of Doctors of the therapeutic Profile of the Perm Territory, Chairman of the Perm Regional Department of the RND, Chief Forest Transportist of the Ministry of Health of the Perm Territory, Perm Perm

Mikhin V.P., MD, professor, head. Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of the FSBEI in “Kursk State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kursk

Osipova I.V., MD, professor, head. Department of Faculty Therapy and Professional Diseases of the FSBEI in Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul

Ostroumova O.D., MD, professor, head. Department of Therapy and Polymorbid Pathology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow

Poznyak A.O., MD, professor, head. The Department of Therapy, Geriatrics and the General Practice of the Kazan State Medical Academy - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kazan Kazan

Portnyagina U.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases and General Personnel Practice (Family Medicine) of the FGOU FGAOU in North-East Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova ”, the main freelance specialist in therapy and general medical practice of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk

Statsenko M.E., MD, professor, head. Department of Internal Diseases of the FSBEI in Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Volgograd

Tyrenko V.V., MD, professor, head of the department and clinic of the faculty therapy of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov »of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, chief cardiologist of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg St.

Chesnikova A.I., MD, professor, head. Department of Internal Diseases No. 1 of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Rostov State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the main freelance specialist in therapy of the Southern Federal District, Rostov-on-Don

Place of publication:
therapy No. 10 (72) 2023

Resume by resolution:

  • The brain of AH is one of the target organs , the first symptoms of the lesion of which are vascular cognitive impairment (SKN).
  • It is necessary to carry out neuropsychological testing to identify and assess the severity of SKN. The management and examination of patients with AG is carried out by the primary outpatient doctor.
  • For effective treatment of SKN, antihypertensional therapy is not enough, a neuroprotection program is needed.
  • The choice of a neuroprotector should be based on the evidence base and good tolerance of the drug. In order to reduce polypragmasis, it is necessary to focus on drugs with a multimodal action mechanism ( Mexidol ® ).
  • The recommended scheme of sequential therapy with Mexidol, according to the results of clinical studies, including randomized, 200-500 mg/day intravenously or intramuscularly for 14 days with a transition to a periral form, 250 mg 3 times/day for 60 days.
  • Neuroprotection should serve as an integral part of patients with AG. It is recommended to supplement the algorithm for drug treatment of patients with hypertension by turning on ethylmethylhydroxypyridine of succinate (Mexidol ® ) in the clinical recommendations “Arterial hypertension in adults” (i10/i11/i12/i13/i15, according to ICD-10).

Cognitive disorders in the practice of a primary link: Focus for patients with arterial hypertension

O.D. Ostroumova, A.I. Kochetkov, N.A. Shatalova

Place of publication:
New therapeutic journal Non Nocera, September, 2023

arterial hypertension (AH) is currently a very urgent problem of modern society. Its prevalence among an adult population is an average of 30–45%, significantly increasing in older age groups. In addition, due to the expected increase in life expectancy, an increase in the number of patients with AH is predicted. From the point of view of clinical significance, special attention to AH is due to a wide range of complications caused by the disease and involved target organs, including the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, organ of vision and brain. Several large population studies showed that the higher the office blood pressure (blood pressure), the higher the risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, peripheral arterial diseases, and the terminal stage of renal failure and sudden death. AH is also recognized as one of the pathogenetic factors of the development of vascular cognitive impairment (KN) and Alzheimer's disease. However, before achieving the final stage - dementia, patients are sequentially intermediate stages between the normal level of cognitive functioning and the very difficult KN, as the cognitive status develops progressively, gradually violating the quality of life and negatively affecting the adaptation of a person in various fields of daily activities. There are many studies that clearly established the relationship between increased blood pressure and KN and demonstrated that the latter are one of the earliest manifestations of brain damage against the background of hypertension.

To the question of the evidence base of neuroprotective therapy: Focus on ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate

A.I. Kochetkov, N.A. Shatalova, M.V. Klepikova, T.V. Filippova, O.D. Ostroumova

FSBEA DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow

Place of publication:
therapy No. 8 (70) 2023

Annotation. Chronic brain ischemia (Khim) is one of the most common neurological pathologies. Its development is affected by many factors, among which arterial hypertension (AH) occupies a special place. Him contributes to cognitive impairment, negatively affects the quality of life and leads to motor and psycho -emotional disorders. In the aspect of the therapy of this condition, an important role belongs to neuroprotectors and, in particular, the use of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine of succinate (Mexol ® , NPK Pharmasoft LLC, Russia), which has a multimodal effect and confirms its high efficiency in a large number of clinical studies. The evidence base of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine of the succinate, including in the study of Memo, indicates the particularly high effectiveness of the drug among patients with Khim and AG: they have Mexol ® significantly improves cognitive functions, reduces the level of anxiety and asthenia and improves the quality of life. With this in mind, the drug can be recommended for use in complex therapy of chemicals, especially in patients with AG. Keywords: chronic brain ischemia, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, Mexidol ® , arterial hypertension, cognitive functions.

The influence of Mexidol on the improvement of cognitive status and quality parameters as part of the complex therapy of patients with chronic heart failure of the II - III functional class

V.V. Tolkacheva, L.V. Karapetyan, N.I. Khutsishvili, S.A. Galochkin, E.R. Kazamedov, railway Kobalava

FGAOU in Russian University of Friendship of Peoples named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
cardiology and cardiovascular surgery, 2023, T. 16, No. 4

Purpose of the study. Assessment of the effect of Mexidol, as part of the complex therapy of heart failure for 10 weeks on cognitive status, quality parameters, asthenic syndrome and anxiety level in patients with XN II-III functional class (according to NYHA classification). Material and methods. An open randomized study included 60 comorbide patients with coronary heart disease (coronary heart disease) and stable chronic heart failure (COL) with cognitive disorders (KN) ≤24 points on the Montreal scale for evaluating cognitive functions (MOCA). The average age of patients was 73.4 ± 8.6 years, 53% - male, the average release fraction of 43.5 ± 10.6%. 30 patients were included in the standard therapy group with the additional purpose of Mexidol (500 mg intravenously dropped 1 time per day for 14 days, then 250 mg 3 times a day 8 weeks) and 30 patients in a standard therapy group. Initially and at the end of the study, an assessment of the effect of therapy on the cognitive status of patients on the Montreal scale of assessment of cognitive functions (Mosa), anxiety level on the Bek scale, the degree of severity and the dynamics of asthenic syndrome on the subjective scale of astheny assessment (MFI-20), and health profiles according to the questionnaire was carried out EQ-5D-5L and quality parameters based on the results of the Essence on the Minnesotsky (MlHFQ), Kansas (Kansas City CardiOMYOPATHY QUESTIONNAIRA, KCCQ) and the SF36 questionnaire “Evaluation of the quality of life”. Results. In patients who received Mexidol, in addition to standard therapy, a reliable improvement of cognitive function by 21%was revealed, a decrease in anxiety-by 38%and the severity of asthenic syndrome-by 12%, improve the overall health of the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire-by 25%by 25% , as well as the qualities of life according to the Minnesotsky questionnaire - by 48%, according to the Kansas questionnaire - by 39%. Conclusion. Mexidol, when adding to standard therapy of patients with XN II-III, functional class, reliably improves cognitive status, quality parameters, reduces the severity of asthenic syndrome and anxiety level. Key words: heart failure, cognitive status, quality of life, Mexidol.

Cognitive disorders of vascular genesis in the practice of the therapist

P.R. Kamchatnov 1 , R.A. Cheremin 2 , L.A. Scepterova 2 , A.V. Chugunov 1

1 FGAOU in Russian National Medical University named after N.I. Pirogova ”of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
2 GBUZ“ Center for Pathology of Speech and Neurorebition of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow ”

Place of publication:
therapy No. 9 (61) 2022

Cognitive disorders (KN) - a widespread clinical syndrome, with which specialists of various profiles are often found in outpatient reception. Diagnosis of KN is a responsible task, the correct solution of which requires a comprehensive study of the anamnesis, the nature of the clinical picture, the results of a laboratory and instrumental examination. A common cause of KN is cerebrovascular diseases. The article discusses the issues of patients with KN of vascular genesis, in particular, the main aspects of correction of factors of cardiovascular risk, the choice of optimal drug therapy. Information is given about the possibility of using the drug Mexidol to treat this contingent of patients. The results of studies are analyzed by the study of the possibility of the use of Mexidol in chronic cerebrovascular circulation disorders with KN. Key words: chronic brain ischemia, chronic cerebrovascular diseases, a disease of small cerebral arteries, cognitive impairment, Mexidol.

The effectiveness of Mexidol® in patients with neurological complications of type 2 diabetes

E.L. Pugacheva

FSBEI in "First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Acad. I.P. Pavlova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2022, T. 122, No. 5

Purpose of the study. To study the leading pathogenetic mechanisms that underlie the development of complications of diabetes (diabetes) of the 2nd type and optimize therapeutic approaches to the treatment of this category of patients. Material and methods. The results of treatment are presented 30 patients suffering from type 2 diabetes and its complications who received Mexidol in/in a drop of 500 mg/day for 14 days, with the subsequent transition to the oral reception of Mexol Fort 250 to 250 mg 3 times a day in the course of 60 days. The dynamics of the condition was evaluated by standardized neuropsychological scales. Clinical and biochemical studies are performed according to the protocol of patients with type 2 diabetes. Results. Mexidol therapy according to the presented scheme was accompanied by an improvement in cognitive functions, a decrease in signs of asthenia, anxiety and depression, normalization of sleep, improving biochemical blood indicators, and an increase in the quality of life. Conclusion. The appointment of Mexidol in the form of consistent prolonged therapy may be an effective approach, which allows you to improve the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes. Keywords: diabetes, hypoxia, oxidative stress, antioxidants, neurotransmitters, antihypoxants, Mexidol.

The connection of cellular aging, cardiovascular diseases and anxiety disorders

A.P. Pereverzev

FSBOU DPO RANMO of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Place of publication:
New therapeutic journal Non Nocera, August 2021

For centuries, every representative of the fair sex wanted to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. For this, for example, Queen Cleopatra or Queen of England Elizabeth I daily took baths with milk (cows, goats, donkeys, etc.). In the Victorian era, women for the sake of whiteness of skin applied creams containing lead, which definitely did not contribute to health and a long happy life, the duration of which began to increase only in the twentieth century against the backdrop of the rapid development of medical science. According to the World Health Organization, for the period from 2015 to 2050, the number of people 60+ will increase from 900 million to 2 billion (from 12 to 22% in the total population of the world), that is, each 5th person will be over 60 years old. But is it possible to slow down even more or completely stop the aging process, and what is needed for this?

The role of antioxidant therapy in patients with the new coronavirus infection of the Covid-19 of the Motenza and Severe

E.K. Shavarova 1.2 , E.R. Kazamedov 1 , M.V. Alekseeva 1 , L.G. Yezhova 2 , railway Cobalava 1

1 Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (RUDN), Moscow, Russian Federation;
2 City Clinical Hospital named after V.V. Vinogradov Department of Health of the city of Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation

Place of publication:
Infectious diseases, 2021, T. 19, No. 1, P. 159–164

the new coronavirus infection Covid-19 is characterized by high mortality and the absence of effective etiotropic therapy. Activation of oxidative stress may be one of the links in the pathogenesis of organ damage against the background of this infection. Target. Assessment of the ability of the drug Mexidol ® to influence the speed of clinical improvement in pneumonia in hospitalized patients with a new Covid-19 coronaviral infection. The study includes 62 patients over the age of 18 years with a confirmed new coronavirus infection COVID-19 according to computed tomography (CT) of the lungs (stages KT1, KT2, KT3) and studies by the polymerase chain reaction from the nasopharynx and oropharynx on the SARS virus RNA SARS COV-2. After randomization, patients of the 1st group received infusion of Mexidol at a dose of 1000 mg/day for 7 days, patients of the 2nd group-infusion of isotonic sodium chloride solution. Compared to the control group in patients who received therapy with Mexidol, a reliably more pronounced decrease in body temperature, and a tendency to reduce the severity of shortness of breath were noted. In the Mexidol group, the concentration of superoxidsmutase has not changed, while in the control group there was a tendency to reduce it, the C-reactive protein decreased 2.2 times more than in the control group (p = 0.09). The tendency to a more rapid decrease in ferritin in the active intervention group has been identified. Mexidol therapy can have a positive effect on the clinical manifestations and the severity of laboratory-inflammatory syndrome in patients with a new Covid-19 coronaviral infection. Key words: new coronavirus infection Covid-19, oxidative stress, Mexidol.

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Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

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