

Combined use of Mexidol with well -known drugs

T.A. Voronina, E.A. Ivanova

FGBNU "Research Institute of Pharmacology named after V.V. Zakusova ”, Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, No. 4, 2019

the review presents data on the combined use of Mexidol in combination with drugs of various pharmacotherapeutic groups. Possessing the multimodal action mechanism and a wide range of pharmacological effects, Mexoling enhances the main effect of drugs both in the experiment and in the clinic, increases the effectiveness of therapy prescribed by patients in accordance with current federal standards, and also helps to reduce the severity of complications of diseases. The data on the efficiency and pathogenetic validity of the course combination therapy with other preparations presented in the review indicate the advisability of this approach for the treatment of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system, open-angle glaucoma, alcohol intoxication and a number of other diseases. Key words: Mexidol, combined therapy, free radicals, lipid oxidation, ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, epilepsy, glaucoma, alcohol intoxication.

Mexidol: a spectrum of pharmacological effects

T.A. Voronin

Nii pharmacology named after V.V. Zakusov RAMS, Moscow

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry, No. 12, 2012

Mexidol (2-El-methyl-3-gydro Xipina Ridina Succinate)-a domestic original antioxidant and anti-hyphyxant, created at the Research Institute of Pharmacology of the RAMS in the mid-80s. Mexol consists of two related and functionally significant compounds: 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine and amber acid. The presence of 3-hydroxypyridine in the structure of Mexidol provides a complex of its antioxidant and membranotropic effects, the ability to reduce glutamate excanitotoxicity, modulate the functioning of receptors, which fundamentally distinguishes Mexol from other preparations containing amber acid. The presence of succinate in the structure of Mexidol distinguishes it from Emoxypin and other 3-oxypyridine derivatives, since the succinate is functionally significant for many processes occurring in the body and, in particular, is a substrate for increasing energy metabolism in the cell.

Mexidol: the main neuropsychotropic effects and the mechanism of action

T.A. Voronin

GU "Nii Pharmacology named after V.V. Zakusov "RAMS, Moscow

Place of publication:
Pharmacate, No. 6, 2009

The article presents viewing data on pharmacological effects and pharmacokinetics of Mexidol. Neuroprotective, anti -hypic, anti -ischemic, nootropic, anti -stress, anxiolytic, anticonvulusal, anti -alcohol, anti -anatherogenic, heroesidal action of Mexidol is considered. Particular attention is paid to the effects of Mexidol in the treatment of diseases occurring with neurodegeneration, primarily acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. Information is presented about the polycomponent mechanism of action of Mexidol, the important links of which are its antioxidant, membrane effects, the ability to modulate the functioning of receptors and membrane -raised enzymes, as well as restore the neurotransmitted balance.

Pharmacology of antioxidants based on 3-oxypyridine

V.E. Novikov, L.A. Kovaleva, S.O. Losenkova, E.I. Klimkina

Smolensk State Medical Academy

Year of publication: 2004

in recent years, close attention of pharmacologists and clinicians as promising drugs that effectively regulate oxidation and peroxidation processes attracted compounds of heteroamatic phenols, in particular, 3-oxypyrin derivatives. 3-oxypyridine derivatives (3-OP) belong to the simplest heterocyclic analogues of aromatic phenols and in this regard show antioxidant and anti-radical properties. They are structural analogues of the compounds of the Vitamin B6 group (pyridoxol, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine), playing an important role in the life of the body. The synthesis and analysis of the physicochemical properties of a number of original derivatives of 3-Op was carried out by L.D. Smirnov, K.M. Dyumaev, V.I. Kuzmin, and their pharmacological study was carried out in the laboratory of psychopharmacology of the Research Institute of Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the guidance of a honored science figure of Professor T.A. Voronina.

Treatment of alcohol cancellation syndrome

Yu.P. Sivolap

FGBAOU VO "First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenov "Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2021, T. 121, No. 6

the state of cancellation of alcohol develops with the refusal of drinking alcohol, after prolonged or short -lived, but their massive use, is manifested by somatic symptoms and, in some cases, is complicated by the development of alcoholic seizures, alcoholic hallucinosis and alcohol delirium, which can create a threat to patients. The leading neurochemical factors underlying alcohol cancellation and its complications are the insufficient cerebral content of the GABA and the excessive activity of glutamate, which matters to therapy. First -line preparations in the treatment of alcohol and alcoholic delirium cancellation are benzodiazepines with maximum pharmacological similarities with ethanol. As an alternative to benzodiazepines and in addition to them, especially in the case of protracted delirium with therapeutic resistance, other drugs, including barbiturates, antiepileptic drugs, propofols, dexemedetomidine and antipsychoticism, can be used. Certain prospects in the treatment of alcohol cancellation syndrome are associated with ethylmethylhydroxypyridine with a succinate, which has some pharmacological similarity with benzodiazepines. Key words: alcohol disorders, alcohol cancellation syndrome, alcohol convulsions, alcoholic hallucinosis, alcoholic delirium, benzodiazepines.

The possibility of using Mexidol in the complex therapy of mental disorders

V.K. Shamray, E.S. Kurasov, V.V. Nechiporenko, A.I. Kolchev, N.V. GYPSY

FGBVOU in the "Military Medical Academy named after CM. Kirov ”, St. Petersburg, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2020, T. 120, No. 5

A review of modern literature is presented regarding the use of Mexidol (ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate) in the treatment of mental (in particular, addictive) disorders. The possibility of its prescription for the correction of negative psychopathological symptoms, neurocognitive deficiency, manifestations of neuroleptic syndrome (including its extrapyramidal disorders) in the treatment of antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenic spectrum, insomnic disorders in the complex therapy of border mental disorders is shown. The possibilities of the use of the drug Mexidol in the treatment of addictive pathology, as well as the consequences of intoxication caused by alcohol and other psychoactive (in particular, narcotic) substances deserve. Key words: mental disorders, addictive pathology, Mexidol, treatment, complex therapy.

The influence of Mexidol in combination with therapy with antidepressants on sleep disturbance with panic disorder in young people

E.S. Kurasov, R.S. Raszevich

Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirova, St. Petersburg

Place of publication:
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 2, 2013

70 patients with panic disorder (PR), 30 men and 40 women were examined, whose average age was 34.5 ± 1.8 years. All patients were distinguished by the presence of dissocation disorders. Patients, depending on the characteristics of therapy, were divided into 2 groups - control and basic. Patients of the control group were treated only with an antidepressant (freedin at a dose of 150 mg per day); Mexidol (375 mg per day) was appointed to patients of the main group to antidepressant.

Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of standard therapy and combination of Mexidol with convulsan at the stage of early rehabilitation of patients with opium drug addiction

M.A. Melnikov, A.M. Karpov

Republican narcological dispensary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan;
Kazan State Medical Academy

Place of publication:
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 2012, Appendix 1

In the treatment of patients with opium drug addiction by Mexidol and convulsan, the symptoms of withdrawal and postbustified disorders were reduced faster and to a greater extent than in the treatment according to the standard methodology. Patients used to become capable of socio-non-norment behavior, to constructive and productive actions in the treatment and rehabilitation process. Key words: Mexidol, convulsan, lamotridine, drug addiction, withdrawal disorders.

The effectiveness of the use of Mexidol with convulsive syndrome of withdrawal and post -traumatic genesis

V.A. Bravely

Arkhangelsk Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital

Place of publication:
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 2006, Appendix 1

Mexidol is an effective, economical treatment for a comprehensive treatment of convulsive syndrome of withdrawal genesis, prevents recurrence of convulsive attacks, significantly improves overall well -being and cognitive functions for a shorter period of time than other nootropic drugs. Key words: withdrawal, injury, convulsive syndrome, cognitive functions, Mexidol.

Application of Mexidol in Urgenic Narcology

O.I. Klindukhova, O.E. Novgorodov, N.N. Sergienko, P.V. Danilyuk, O.V. Beloderekovich

Regional narcological dispensary, Krasnoyarsk

Place of publication:
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 11, 2006

the results of the clinical assessment of the effectiveness and tolerance of Mexidol are presented with its intravenous drip administration within 5-7 days in 50 cases of complicated alcohol delirium by Mexidol. The clinical condition of the patients and the dynamics of laboratory data were evaluated in comparison with the control group of patients on basic therapy without Mexidol. It was established that the use of Mexidol allows you to stop psychosis as early as possible, which in turn leads to a decrease in secondary complications and mortality. Key words: Mexidol, antioxidant, antihypoxant, alcoholic delirium, stopping.

Therapeutic efficiency of Mexidol, when stopping various options for alcohol withdrawal syndrome

O.V. Kashichkina, N.A. Kriger

Saratov Regional Psychiatric Hospital of St. Sophia

Place of publication:
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 2006, Appendix 1

Mexidol was used in the treatment of various options for alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Thanks to the expressed vegetostabilizing and sedative effects of Mexidol’s therapy, it was more effective than complex traditional therapy in the removal of neurovegetative and psychopathological manifestations. Key words: alcoholism, withdrawal syndrome, Mexidol.

Mexidol in the complex therapy of post -traumatic stress disorders

S.A. Tsaregorodtseva, M.Yu. Bondarenko, E.V. Vaurs, A.L. Azin

Republican clinical hospital of war veterans;
The Center for Medical, Psychological and Social Rehabilitation of Veterans of Combat and Counter-Terrorism actions and members of their families, Yoshkar-Ola

Place of publication:
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 2006, Appendix 1

the clinical effectiveness and validity of the use of Mexidol in the complex therapy of patients with post -traumatic stress disorders with typical psychopathological symptoms has been studied. The dynamics of changes in not only quantitative (experimental-psychological) indicators, but also of qualitative (clinical) features were taken into account. With the use of Mexidol, emotional lability decreased in 6% of cases, the intensity of headaches - in 36%, the level of alcoholization - in 37%, the mood background increased in 59% of cases, the level of asthenization was normalized in 82.6% of cases, the level of anxiety decreased to the norm In 70% of cases. Normalizing the processes in the central nervous system, increasing the adaptive reserves of the body, Mexol, enhances effectiveness and reduces side effects of the use of antidepressants and benzodiazepines. Thus, Mexidol is a promising drug in the treatment of post -traumatic stress disorders. Key words: post -traumatic stress disorder, Mexidol, adaptive reserves, social fences, anxiolytic activity.

The experience of using the drug "Mexidol" in the structure of pharmacotherapy of various clinical forms of neurosis

N.V. Aleshin

Departure of the crisis conditions of the Saratov city neuropsychiatric dispensary

Place of publication:
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 2006, Appendix 1

30 patients with neurotic conditions and the predominance of depressive, anxious, hysterical symptoms were examined. The effect of Mexidol was evaluated on the level of depression, anxiety, memory and attention. The positive effect of the drug is noted that contributes to social adaptation and improve the quality of life of patients. Key words: neurosis, depression, therapy, neurometabolic products, Mexidol.

Resolution of the Council of Experts "The possibilities of neuroprotective therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and cognitive disorders"

Presidium of the Council of Experts:

Martynov A.I., MD, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the Department of Hospital therapy No. 1 of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia, President of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of therapists (RNDMO), Moscow

Tanashian M.M., MD, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, deputy. Director for scientific work of the FGBN “Scientific Center of Neurology”, Moscow

Malyavin A.G., MD, professor at the Department of Testions and Pulmonology Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of FSBEI in the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova ”of the Ministry of Health of Russia, chief freelance pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the Central Federal District, General Secretary of the RND, Moscow

Participants in the Council of Experts:

Bogolepova A.N. D.M.N., head of the cognitive violations department of the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology, FMBA of Russia, professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics of Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of Medicine in the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow

Borovkova N.Yu., MD, the first deputy. Director of the Institute of Therapy, Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy and General Medical Practice of the Volga Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.

Eliseeva L.N., MD, professor, head. Department of Faculty of Faculty of FSBENSI and Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Branch of the RND, Krasnodar

Zhuravleva M.V., MD, professor, professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the FGAOU in the First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), the main freelance specialist - a clinical pharmacologist of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow, Moscow

Zakharov V.V., MD, professor at the Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurosurgery of the FGAOU in "First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow

Koryagina N.A., MD, professor at the Department of Clinical therapy of FSBEI in Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner ”of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Vice-President of the Association of Doctors of the therapeutic Profile of the Perm Territory, Chairman of the Perm Regional Department of the RND, Chief Forest Transportist of the Ministry of Health of the Perm Territory, Perm Perm

Mikhin V.P., MD, professor, head. Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of the FSBEI in “Kursk State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kursk

Osipova I.V., MD, professor, head. Department of Faculty Therapy and Professional Diseases of the FSBEI in Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul

Ostroumova O.D., MD, professor, head. Department of Therapy and Polymorbid Pathology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow

Poznyak A.O., MD, professor, head. The Department of Therapy, Geriatrics and the General Practice of the Kazan State Medical Academy - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kazan Kazan

Portnyagina U.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases and General Personnel Practice (Family Medicine) of the FGOU FGAOU in North-East Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova ”, the main freelance specialist in therapy and general medical practice of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk

Statsenko M.E., MD, professor, head. Department of Internal Diseases of the FSBEI in Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Volgograd

Tyrenko V.V., MD, professor, head of the department and clinic of the faculty therapy of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov »of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, chief cardiologist of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg St.

Chesnikova A.I., MD, professor, head. Department of Internal Diseases No. 1 of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Rostov State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the main freelance specialist in therapy of the Southern Federal District, Rostov-on-Don

Place of publication:
therapy No. 10 (72) 2023

Resume by resolution:

  • The brain of AH is one of the target organs , the first symptoms of the lesion of which are vascular cognitive impairment (SKN).
  • It is necessary to carry out neuropsychological testing to identify and assess the severity of SKN. The management and examination of patients with AG is carried out by the primary outpatient doctor.
  • For effective treatment of SKN, antihypertensional therapy is not enough, a neuroprotection program is needed.
  • The choice of a neuroprotector should be based on the evidence base and good tolerance of the drug. In order to reduce polypragmasis, it is necessary to focus on drugs with a multimodal action mechanism ( Mexidol ® ).
  • The recommended scheme of sequential therapy with Mexidol, according to the results of clinical studies, including randomized, 200-500 mg/day intravenously or intramuscularly for 14 days with a transition to a periral form, 250 mg 3 times/day for 60 days.
  • Neuroprotection should serve as an integral part of patients with AG. It is recommended to supplement the algorithm for drug treatment of patients with hypertension by turning on ethylmethylhydroxypyridine of succinate (Mexidol ® ) in the clinical recommendations “Arterial hypertension in adults” (i10/i11/i12/i13/i15, according to ICD-10).

The influence of Mexidol on the improvement of cognitive status and quality parameters as part of the complex therapy of patients with chronic heart failure of the II - III functional class

V.V. Tolkacheva, L.V. Karapetyan, N.I. Khutsishvili, S.A. Galochkin, E.R. Kazamedov, railway Kobalava

FGAOU in Russian University of Friendship of Peoples named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
cardiology and cardiovascular surgery, 2023, T. 16, No. 4

Purpose of the study. Assessment of the effect of Mexidol, as part of the complex therapy of heart failure for 10 weeks on cognitive status, quality parameters, asthenic syndrome and anxiety level in patients with XN II-III functional class (according to NYHA classification). Material and methods. An open randomized study included 60 comorbide patients with coronary heart disease (coronary heart disease) and stable chronic heart failure (COL) with cognitive disorders (KN) ≤24 points on the Montreal scale for evaluating cognitive functions (MOCA). The average age of patients was 73.4 ± 8.6 years, 53% - male, the average release fraction of 43.5 ± 10.6%. 30 patients were included in the standard therapy group with the additional purpose of Mexidol (500 mg intravenously dropped 1 time per day for 14 days, then 250 mg 3 times a day 8 weeks) and 30 patients in a standard therapy group. Initially and at the end of the study, an assessment of the effect of therapy on the cognitive status of patients on the Montreal scale of assessment of cognitive functions (Mosa), anxiety level on the Bek scale, the degree of severity and the dynamics of asthenic syndrome on the subjective scale of astheny assessment (MFI-20), and health profiles according to the questionnaire was carried out EQ-5D-5L and quality parameters based on the results of the Essence on the Minnesotsky (MlHFQ), Kansas (Kansas City CardiOMYOPATHY QUESTIONNAIRA, KCCQ) and the SF36 questionnaire “Evaluation of the quality of life”. Results. In patients who received Mexidol, in addition to standard therapy, a reliable improvement of cognitive function by 21%was revealed, a decrease in anxiety-by 38%and the severity of asthenic syndrome-by 12%, improve the overall health of the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire-by 25%by 25% , as well as the qualities of life according to the Minnesotsky questionnaire - by 48%, according to the Kansas questionnaire - by 39%. Conclusion. Mexidol, when adding to standard therapy of patients with XN II-III, functional class, reliably improves cognitive status, quality parameters, reduces the severity of asthenic syndrome and anxiety level. Key words: heart failure, cognitive status, quality of life, Mexidol.

International multicenteric randomized double-tied placebo-controlled study of evaluating the effectiveness and safety of sequential therapy of patients with chronic brain ischemia drugs Mexidol® and Mexidol® Forte 250 (study of memo): Subanalysis results in patients with arterial hypertension

V.V. Zakharov 1 , O.D. Ostroumova 1.2 , A.I. Kochetkov 2 , M.V. Klepikov 2 , A.I. Fedin 3

1 FGAOU VO "First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenov »Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University);
2 FSBEI of DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow;
3 FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow

Place of publication:
therapy No. 1 (63) 2023

Annotation. Chronic brain ischemia (Khim) is one of the most common in the clinical practice of neurological pathological conditions. The goal is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of sequential therapy with Mexidol ® intravenously and Mexidol ® Fort 250 oral in groups of patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and without the aspect of the drug on cognitive functioning, as well as the severity of asthenic, anxiety, autonomic and motor disorders, and Quality of life in a chemical conditions. Material and method. Within the framework of subanalysis, patients with chemicals were divided into 4 subgroups: 1st-patients with AH who received drugs Mexidol ® and Mexidol ® Forter 250 (n = 144); 2nd-patients with AG who received placebo (n = 146); 3rd-patients without hypertension receiving Mexidol ® and Mexol ® Fort 250 (n = 15); 4th-patients without hypertension receiving placebo (n = 12). Results. At the end of the observation period, statistically significant differences in the dynamics of the Mosa scale between groups of patients receiving Mexidol ® and placebo (p = 0,000), indicating the superior effectiveness of the use of Mexidol in the subgroup of patients with AH, were identified. Against the background of therapy with Mexidol ® , unlike placebo, the median value of the point on the Mosa scale at the end of the observation period reached the level of norm in all patients. When assessing the secondary endpoints of effectiveness, the statistically significant advantage of Mexidol over the placebo in the population of patients with AH at the final visit was achieved by the following parameters: a test of digital characters, an asthenication scale MFI-20, a Bek anxiety scale, a tinetti scale, and a psychological component of health according to the questionnaire according to the questionnaire SF-36. The comparable nature of the safety profile of Mexidol and placebo is established. Conclusion. The results give reason to recommend the long-term consistent use of the drug Mexidol ® in the complex treatment of patients with hypertension as an instrument for protecting the brain as an organ-canal and means of pathogenetically substantiated therapy of cognitive, emotional, asthenic, vegetative and motor disorders. Keywords: chronic brain ischemia, arterial hypertension, cognitive disorders, ethylmethydroxypirinate, Mexidol ® , Mexidol ® Fort 250.

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