

The effectiveness of combined therapy with Mexidol and cerebrolysine of chronic brain ischemia

S.V. Berezhnaya 1 , E.Z. Yakupov 2 , Yu.A. Zakharov 3

1 GAUZ "City Polyclinic No. 6" Kazan;
2 GBOU VPO “Kazan State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kazan;
3 GBOU VPO “Institute of Physics of Kazan (Volga) Federal University”, Kazan, Russia

Place of publication:
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 5, 2016

Purpose of the study. The study of the influence of the combination of Mexidol and Cerebrolysin as part of complex therapy on the state of the clinical status of patients with chronic brain ischemia (chemical) stage II on an outpatient basis. Material and methods. The study includes 36 patients with a diagnosis of stages II. Against the background of basic therapy, patients received 2 courses of combined therapy with Mexidol and Cerebrolysin for 6 weeks with an interval between courses of 3 months. After each course, the dynamics of patient complaints and objective clinical manifestations were evaluated. After the end of the treatment, the content of 13 chemical elements in the hair is determined by the atomic-emission method. Results and conclusion. Based on the clinical and neurological examination, the therapeutic effectiveness of the appointment of Mexidol and Cerebrolysine as a long neuroprotement in patients with the II stage, which was manifested by a reliable decrease in the severity of all the main symptoms under the influence of the therapy, is shown.

Optimization of lipidsiting therapy in patients with ischemic stroke and type 2 diabetes mellitus

L.A. Shchepanevich, Yu.A. Nikolaev, N.A. Dolgova

FGBNU "Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine", Novosibirsk

Place of publication:
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 2, 2016

The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of Mexidol therapy to optimize the secondary prevention of vascular events through exposure to the indicators of vascular-trombocyte hemostasis and lipid blood spectrum in patients who have suffered ischemic stroke (AI), against the background of type 2 diabetes (SD2). Material and methods. Conducted a study of the content of general cholesterol, low -density lipoproteins, high density lipoproteins, blood -triglycerides in blood serum; The concentrations of the 4-plastic factor (4PF), β-tromboglobulin (βTH) and the villebrand factor in 68 patients with AI and SD2 were determined. Dynamic control of the studied indicators was carried out (1st, 21st day, 3rd and 6th months from the beginning of AI) amid therapy with Mexidol. Results and conclusion. Prolonged Mexidol therapy provides additional opportunities for normalizing the lipid blood spectrum and optimize secondary prevention of vascular events in patients with AI and SD2.

The results of the study of the effectiveness and safety of the use of Mexidol in patients with chronic brain ischemia

E.I. Chukanova, A.S. Chukanova, H.I. Mamaeva

GBOU VPO “Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov ", Moscow

Place of publication:
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 2, 2015

Purpose of the study. Analysis of the effectiveness and safety of the use of Mexidol and its impact on the dynamics of neurological manifestations of the disease, the emotional status and quality of life in patients with chronic brain ischemia (chemical). Material and methods. 45 patients with chemicals received Mexidol of 500 mg iv a drop 1 time per day for 14 days, followed by an oral reception of 500 mg (2 tablets 2 times a day) for 60 days. The comparison group consisted of 30 patients with chemicals, comparable by age, the presence of risk factors and the severity of neurological manifestations that did not accept Mexidol. Patients of both groups received basic therapy, including drugs to achieve the complete correction of their risk factors. Assessed the state of cognitive functions (MMSE questionnaire), motor activity, quality parameters (SF-36). Results. By the end of the study (on the 74th day), patients of the main group compared with the comparison group, the severity of motor activity disorders has significantly reduced, the indicator of the assessment with the recount of utility on the SF-36 scale was normalized, and a reliable improvement of the average indicators of the screening estimate of cognitive functions was noted (MMSE). When analyzing the results of the study, the high efficiency and safety of the treatment of patients with a chemous drug Mexidol was confirmed.

Neurometabolic therapy as a means of secondary prophylaxis of stroke

V.V. Kovalchuk

St. Petersburg GBUZ City Hospital No. 38 named after N.A. Semashko, St. Petersburg

Place of publication:
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 3, 2014

The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the drug Mexidol in relation to the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke (AI). Material and methods. The results of the treatment of 3400 patients who were divided into 7 groups are analyzed: patients with cryptogenic AI, arterial hypertension, atrial fibrillation, metabolic syndrome, obstructive apnea/sleep hypnome, diabetes mellitus, vasculitis. Assessment of the effectiveness of therapy was based on the absence of repeated AI for 5 years of therapy. Results. Mexidol helps to reduce the frequency of repeated AI in both patients without concomitant pathological conditions, and in patients with arterial hypertension, obstructive apnea/sleep hypnome syndrome, vasculitis, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation and metabolic syndrome. Conclusion. Further studies of the effectiveness of the use of Mexidol as a means of secondary prevention of AI are seemed very promising. Key words: stroke, secondary prevention, Mexidol.

Oxidative stress and its drug correction by Mexidol with traumatic brain injury

N.V. Govorov

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Omsk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health", Omsk, Russia

Place of publication:
emergency medical care, 2, 2013

114 patients with an isolated severe traumatic brain injury aged 18 to 55 years were examined and treated. The group I includes 61 surviving patient, in the II group-53 patients who died on the 3-and -15th day of the post-traumatic period. Patients of groups I and II received complex intensive therapy in accordance with the current protocols. Fifteen patients (subgroup I) were obtained as part of the complex therapy of Mexidol at a dose of 1200 mg/day for 7-10 days. Against the background of the use of Mexidol, the intensity of the processes of lipoperoxidation was reduced, the power of the cell antioxidant protection system remained at a sufficient level, and the earlier resolution of post -traumatic encephalopathy and the restoration of consciousness were observed. Against the background of treatment with Mexidol, a more favorable course of the early post-traumatic period, a decrease in complications (χ2 = 55.4; p <0.0001)-acute damage syndrome, DIC, acute cardiovascular failure and pneumonia are noted.

Clinical experience in the use of Mexidol to correct astheno-vegetative disorders in patients who have suffered a mild traumatic brain injury

M.E. Sergienko

Road Clinical Hospital, Chelyabinsk

Place of publication:
Pharmacate No. 19 - 2012

In a study that included 34 patients, the effectiveness of Mexidol's preparation in the correction of astheno-vegetative disorders was studied in persons who have suffered a mild craniocre trauma (LCHMT) and a concussion of the brain. The use of Mexidol as part of the complex therapy of these disorders made it possible to improve the results of treatment compared to the control group of patients who did not receive Mexidol. It is noted that the prescription of the drug is preferably at an earlier date from the moment of injury. A distinct therapeutic effect was obtained when using Mexidol in a daily dose of 375 mg in a tablet form for 28-30 days in the acute and intermediate periods of the LCCMT. Side effects and complications during therapy were not observed in any group. It is concluded that Mexidol can be used in the complex treatment of LCHMTs, a concussion of the brain and the correction of the post -compliance syndrome.

Features of the influence of Mexidol on the functional state of the central nervous system in patients who have suffered a stroke

V.V. Kuznetsov, F.V. Yurchenko

Institute of Gerontology of AMNs of Ukraine, Kyiv

Place of publication:
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 6, 2012

in the structure of cerebrovascular pathology, the stroke occupies a leading place as one of the main causes of mortality and primary disability of the population. In the treatment of a stroke, in the acute period, measures are the measures to correct the impaired functions of the body and maintain the viability of the nervous tissue. In the recovery period, drugs are used that have an activating effect on neurotrophic and reparative processes, and secondary prophylaxis of stroke is carried out. It is known that brain ischemia is a multifactor pathological process that includes a decrease in energy products with a violation of active vehicles through cell membranes, excessive accumulation of excitoxic excitation mediators in brain structures, an increase in ionized calcium in neurons, hyperproduction of free radicals and activation of oxidant stress. To correct these changes, preparations with antihyplance and antioxidant properties are traditionally used, which include Mexidol (2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate). Mexidol improves the metabolism of nervous tissue, it is also known that it affects the rheological properties of blood, reduces platelet aggregation, and has a hypolipidemic effect.

The effectiveness of the drug "Mexidol" in patients with a combined traumatic brain injury

I.B. Savitskaya, V.V. Nikonov, A.V. Chernov, A.Yu. Pavlenko, A.V. Beletsky

Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkov City Clinical Hospital of Emergency and Emergency Medical Assistance

Place of publication:
Herald of intensive therapy, 2012, No. 3. Neuroreusterology

annually in the world from a traumatic brain injury (ChMT), one and a half million people die, and 2.4 million become disabled. The frequency of the CCT in various regions of Ukraine is from 2.3 to 4.2% per year, and over the past 10 years has almost doubled. Missiles for a severe CCT is 40–70%, and in surviving patients, the full functional restoration of the central nervous system (central nervous system) is relatively rare.

Clinical assessment of the drug Mexol in the treatment of severe traumatic brain injury at the stages of medical care

V.L. Dyushkevich

Voronezh State Medical Academy. N. N. Burdenko, Voronezh

Place of publication:
Medical alphabet. Emergency medicine 1/22

Heddle-brain injury (ChMT) is one of the main reasons for the disability and death of the population. Moreover, mechanical damage to the central nervous system does not tend to decrease in the structure of diseases and injuries. According to WHO, the frequency of craniocre injury annually increases by 2%. In Russia, about 600,000 people receive a traumatic brain injury annually, of which about 50,000 die and the same number of disabled people (Gusev E.I., 2009). Mortality at a severe CMT, according to various estimates, ranges from 10 to 25%, and with the most severe forms reaches 65-70%. In the vast majority of victims (60%), a decrease in performance and disability (epileptic seizures, encephalopathy, paresis and paralysis, speech disorders and other neurological consequences) are observed as a result of injury.

The experience of using Mexidol in the treatment of a concussion of the brain and in the late recovery period after severe traumatic brain injuries on an outpatient basis

A.V. Ignatova

MBUZ City Polyclinic No. 26, Novosibirsk

Place of publication:
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 2012, Appendix 1

the use of Mexidol in a basic dose of 100 mg/day intramuscularly for 10 days is effective in the treatment of mild CITs, which is confirmed by positive neurological dynamics. In patients with a severe CCT, it is more advisable to use a 10-day treatment regimen with a mexidol at a dose of 200 mg/day intramuscularly with the subsequent transition to orally in a dose of 0.25 g 2 times a day for 4 weeks. Due to the good tolerance and the possibilities of intramuscular administration, Mexidol is an urgent drug in outpatient practice for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients of different age groups with the CCT.

Mexidol in the prevention of intracranial hypertension syndrome with the consequences of closed traumatic brain injury

B.M. Doronin, A.Yu. Poyagin, O.B. Tyshkevich, V.B. Doronin

Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk

intracranial hypertension syndrome (HDG) with distant consequences of closed cranial injury (CSMT) is manifested by organic and functional disorders of varying degrees of severity. The work uses a method for assessing the degree of ICG by measuring distances between the structures of the brain stem using magnetic resonance imaging. The calculation of the restriction index of the posterior cranial fossa made it possible to compare the data of 96 patients with the HRG, some of which received Mexidol, and 28 healthy volunteers. Observation was carried out during the year with a neurological examination in dynamics. A comparison of groups of patients with each other and with indicators of healthy individuals revealed reliable differences expressed to a lesser extent of the NCH after treatment with Mexidol. The study showed that the prolonged course use of Mexidol is an effective method of preventing episodes of increasing intracranial pressure in the remote period of mild ZchMT and can be recommended for wide use both in stationary and outpatient conditions.

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