

The possibility of using Mexidol in neuropediatrics

N.N. Zavadenko, N.Yu. Suvorinova, A.N. Zavadenko

FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2023, T. 123, No. 9, Issue. 2

Mexol (ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate) is a modern neurometabolic drug that is increasingly used in neuropediatrics. The results of recent studies are considered, confirming the positive effects of pharmacotherapy with Mexidol in children with attention deficiency and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), perinal lesions of the central nervous system (hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy) and their consequences, neurological disorders and the delay in neuropsychic development after surgical interventions with congenital vices in congenital vices hearts, neuroinfections (meningitis, encephalitis), post -traumatic epilepsy. Given the unique multimodal action of Mexidol, it seems promising to expand the circle of indications for its use in neuropediatry, based on the results of new clinical studies, which will be organized in accordance with the modern principles of evidence -based medicine.

Keywords: Mexol (ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate), children, treatment, hypoxic and ischemic encephalopathy, attention deficiency syndrome, retention of neuropsychiatric development, meningitis, encephalitis, post-traumatic epilepsy.

The results of a multicenter dual blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical study on the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of the drug Mexidol in the treatment of attention deficit syndrome in children (mega)

N.N. Zavadenko 1 , N.Yu. Suvorinova 1 , T.T. Batysheva 2 , O.V. Bykova 2 , A.N. Platonova 2 , D.D. Gainetdinova 3 , E.V. Levitina 4 , V.V. Machines 5 , I.N. Vakula 6 , N.E. Maksimova 7

1 FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia;
2 GBUZ "Scientific and practical center of children's psychoneurology of the Department of Health of Moscow", Moscow, Russia;
3 FSBEI in Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kazan, Russia;
4 FSBEI in Tyumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Tyumen, Russia;
5 FSBEI in Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia;
6 LLC "Center for Professional Therapy", Krasnodar, Russia;

7FSBEI in the Tver State Medical University, Tver, Russia


Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2022, T.122, No. 4

Purpose of the study. Evaluate the effectiveness and safety of two dosing modes of the drug Mexidol tablets covered with a film shell, 125 mg (NPK Farmasoft LLC, Russia), compared with placebo, in children with attention deficit (ADHD) from 6 to 12 years.

Material and methods. The study conducted the study in 14 clinical centers of the Russian Federation as a multicenter randomized double blind placebo-controlled in 3 parallel groups. The study was attended by 333 children aged 6 to 12 years with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD, established in accordance with the criteria of the ICD-10 and DSM-5. After screening (up to 14 days), patients were randomized in 3 groups in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: Mexidol 125 mg 2 times a day, Mexidol 125 mg 1 time per day+placebo and placebo. The duration of treatment in all groups was 42 days. The study was completed by 332 children. The dynamics of the state was evaluated by the scales of the ADHD assessment and related disorders.

Results. Statistically significant changes in the amount of the total score on the subx “Inattentiveness”, “Hyperactivity impulsivity” of the ADHG assessment scale through 6 weeks of therapy in all three groups of the study (P <0.05). At the same time, between the groups of Mexol 125 mg 1 time per day+placebo and placebo, as well as between Mexol groups 125 mg 2 times a day and placebo, expressed statistically significant differences were observed (for the PP: P = 0.000308 and P = 0.000024 Accordingly, for the population FAS: P = 0.000198 and P = 0.000024, respectively), which indicates the superiority of the therapy with Mexidol. According to most secondary criteria for effectiveness (average changes in points on the “Inattention” Snap-IV scale, the average change in scores “Hyperactivity impulsiveness” of the SNAP-IV scale, the average change in the cones index of the SNAP-IV scale, the average change in the value On the ADHD Rating Scale IV scale, assessments on the scale of the general clinical impression of the severity of ADHD, estimates on the general clinical impression scale - improvement) were also obtained statistically significant differences (p <0.05) when comparing the treatment of Mexido with placebo. The results of a statistical analysis of the frequency of the occurrence of undesirable phenomena, indicators of laboratory tests, and a physically examination demonstrate the absence of significant differences between compared groups in basic safety indicators.

Conclusion. The treatment regimen with Mexol, tablets covered with a film shell, 125 mg 2 times a day, showed an advantage over Mexol's scheme tablets covered with a film shell, 125 mg once a day+placebo. A comparable nature of the security profiles of the studied dosing of the drug Mexidol and placebo was obtained.

Keywords: attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity, inattention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, children, pharmacotherapy, ethylmethydlhydroxypyridine succinate, Mexidol.

Experience in the use of Mexidol® in children and adolescents with mental disorders

Yu.Sh. Vasyanina

Place of publication:
Psychiatry and narcology, 2012

Analyzing indicators of pain and incidence of children and adolescents of the Krasnodar Territory, in the class of mental disorders we observe stably high indicators among the child population and steady growth in adolescents. So, as of January 1, 2010, every 33 child and every 20 teenager is observed and treated in psychiatrists. In the nosological structure of mental disorders in children and adolescents of the region, mental disorders of a non-tochitotic nature prevail (69.65%), in 2nd place mental retardation (29.0%), psychoses are 1.35%. In the conditions of outpatient reception of a children's psychiatrist, cognitive and psychosomatic disorders are most common, as well as disorders of anxious-phobic spectrum on a residual-organic background, which is consistent with the data summarized by L.O. Badalyan, N.N. Zavadenko, T.Yu. Uspenskaya. The therapeutic strategies we use in children and adolescents combine psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. The central link of therapeutic effect is psychocorrection and psychotherapy. Pharmacotherapy in child-teenage age is associated with a number of difficulties: it is difficult to convince parents to contact a psychiatrist and start a long-term medical treatment.

The use of Mexidol® in children's neurological practice

G.R. Khamitova

Place of publication:
neurology, 2012

the problem of the health of the younger generation is one of the most relevant in both biological and social terms, and acquires special significance in modern conditions. Effective prevention and treatment of neurological diseases in children are important tasks. Children's neurological incidence in the Republic of Bashkortostan occupies one of the leading places not only in frequency, but also in the severity of clinical manifestations. Every 8th child out of 1000 is born with neurological dysfunction and from them every 10th child subsequently has a limitation of life. According to the United Nations, out of 120 million children with disabilities, a share of neurology accounts for 30%. In everyday clinical practice, decompensation of the consequences of the lesions of the nervous system in children, such as perinatal encephalopathy, the consequences of neuroinfections, the CTM, etc. are often found that it is possible that encephalopathy transferred in childhood create the basis for the formation of a number of diseases in an adult. When evaluating the outcome of brain damage, the risk of neuropsychiatric disorders with difficulty learning, emotional-volitional, psycho-regional disorders turned out to be extremely high and is 13-47%, therefore, attention should be paid to adequate systematic treatment, early rehabilitation measures from the first months of the child’s life. It is important to consider that in children the high adaptive capabilities of the body to restore impaired functions are much more expressed than in adults, and allow us to exclude or minimize the severity of disability.

The use of Mexidol in the correction of vegetative dizregulation syndrome as the consequences of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system

M.A. Okuneva

Place of publication:
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 2012, Appendix 1

Analysis of the obtained data allows us to conclude that the need to use Mexidol when correcting various options for vegetative dysregulation. The identified characteristics do not contradict the literature. Thanks to its mechanism of action (antioxidant, membrane) and a wide range of pharmacological effects (cerebrotective, anti -hypoxic, tranquilizing, anti -stressful, nootropic, vegetative, anticonvulsant; improvement and stabilization of the brain metabolism and blood supply to the brain; correction of disorders in regulatory and microcircular systems; Improving rheological properties blood, suppression of platelets; activation of the immune system), Mexidol affects the main links of pathogenesis of various diseases associated with the processes of free radical oxidation, including at vegetative disorders. In addition, taking into account the ability of Mexidol to potentiate the action of other centrally active substances, it is optimal to use it in a complex approach to the treatment of autonomic dysregulation syndrome.

Key words: young age, autonomic disorders, vegetological research, Mexidol.

The course of school adaptation in children with syndrome of attention deficiency with hyperactivity against the background of the use of Mexidol

I.S. Potapova, N.V. Khrina, M.V. Protopopova

Place of publication:
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 2006, Appendix 1

the study is devoted to the assessment of the effectiveness of Mexidol in the correction of school adaptation of children with the syndrome of attention deficit with hyperactivity. School adaptation was evaluated according to the developed methodology (before and after treatment with Mexidol). 20 patients received complex treatment with the use of Mexidol (experimental group) and 23 patients without Mexidol (control group). Improving school adaptation was noted in 74% of patients of the experimental group and in 12% of patients of the control group.

Key words: attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity, psychological correction, adaptation, Mexidol.

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