

Asthenia and cognitive disorders against the background of the transformed infections of the Covid-19: possible correction routes

Ostroumova T.M.

FGAOU in "First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenov "Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
New therapeutic journal Non Nocera, June/July 2021

neurological complications of the coronavirus infection Covid-19 caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus are extremely diverse and are found in more than 30% of patients. So, with COVID -19, ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, encephalopathy, meningitis, autoimmune diseases, for example, Guinen - Barre, violations of smell and taste, can develop. However, the fight against the Sarscov -2 virus does not end with screening and treatment of acute conditions. The delayed consequences for the health of people who have experienced Covid -19 are currently being actively studied.

The possibilities of increasing the effectiveness of patients with chronic brain ischemia against the background of Covid-19

V.V. Kovalchuk, I.I. Ershova, N.V. Molodovskaya

St. Petersburg GBUZ "City Hospital No. 38 named after N.A. Semashko ", St. Petersburg, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2021, T. 121, No. 3, Issue. 2

Purpose of the study. Studying the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of treatment of patients with chronic brain ischemia (HIGM) against the background of COVID-19 using the drug Mexidol. Material and methods. 304 patients with HIGM and Covid-19 were observed; The 1st group (n = 152) was compiled by patients who received basic therapy and Mexidol, the 2nd group (n = 152)-received only basic therapy. For 14 days, Mexidol was prescribed intravenously with a drop of 500 mg (10 ml) per 400 ml of physiological solution, then Mexol Forte 250 was prescribed 250 mg 3 times a day for 2 months. They evaluated the state of cognitive functions (Mosa scale), sleep (Spiegel questionnaire), asthenia (MFI-20 scale), quality of life (SIP questionnaire). The examination was carried out before the start of treatment, 30 and 75 days after its beginning. Results. Patients of the 1st group took place: a more complete and early restoration of the state of cognitive functions (an increase in indicators on the Mosa scale, p <0.01), astress regression (p <0.05), normalization of sleep (p <0.01) . Among patients of the 1st group, the end of the study turned out to be reliably more patients with complete or significant restoration of all indicators of the quality of life. Conclusion. Long-term sequential therapy with Mexidol with the drug provides a more complete restoration of impaired functions in patients with HIGM and Covid-19. Key words: Covid-19, SARS-COV-2 virus, chronic brain ischemia, asthenia, cognitive disorders, dementia, quality of life, Mexidol.

The role of antioxidant therapy in patients with the new coronavirus infection of the Covid-19 of the Motenza and Severe

E.K. Shavarova 1.2 , E.R. Kazamedov 1 , M.V. Alekseeva 1 , L.G. Yezhova 2 , railway Cobalava 1

1 Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (RUDN), Moscow, Russian Federation;
2 City Clinical Hospital named after V.V. Vinogradov Department of Health of the city of Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation

Place of publication:
Infectious diseases, 2021, T. 19, No. 1, P. 159–164

the new coronavirus infection Covid-19 is characterized by high mortality and the absence of effective etiotropic therapy. Activation of oxidative stress may be one of the links in the pathogenesis of organ damage against the background of this infection. Target. Assessment of the ability of the drug Mexidol ® to influence the speed of clinical improvement in pneumonia in hospitalized patients with a new Covid-19 coronaviral infection. The study includes 62 patients over the age of 18 years with a confirmed new coronavirus infection COVID-19 according to computed tomography (CT) of the lungs (stages KT1, KT2, KT3) and studies by the polymerase chain reaction from the nasopharynx and oropharynx on the SARS virus RNA SARS COV-2. After randomization, patients of the 1st group received infusion of Mexidol at a dose of 1000 mg/day for 7 days, patients of the 2nd group-infusion of isotonic sodium chloride solution. Compared to the control group in patients who received therapy with Mexidol, a reliably more pronounced decrease in body temperature, and a tendency to reduce the severity of shortness of breath were noted. In the Mexidol group, the concentration of superoxidsmutase has not changed, while in the control group there was a tendency to reduce it, the C-reactive protein decreased 2.2 times more than in the control group (p = 0.09). The tendency to a more rapid decrease in ferritin in the active intervention group has been identified. Mexidol therapy can have a positive effect on the clinical manifestations and the severity of laboratory-inflammatory syndrome in patients with a new Covid-19 coronaviral infection. Key words: new coronavirus infection Covid-19, oxidative stress, Mexidol.

The role of free-radical oxidation, hypoxia and their correction in the pathogenesis of Covid-19

A.V. Schulkin, A.A. Filimonova

FGBOU in the Ryazan State Medical University named after Acad. I.P. Pavlova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Place of publication:
therapy No. 5 (39) 2020

in the presented review, the pathogenesis of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), features of the SARS-COV-2 virus are considered in detail. Given the great importance in the development of this infection of oxidative stress and hypoxia, it is advisable to use antioxidants and antihypoxants in the complex treatment of Covid-19, which may be useful and significantly improve the course of the disease. Key words : Covid-19, coronaviruses, oxidative stress, hypoxia.

Antioxidants/Antihyxants-the missing puzzle of effective pathogenetic therapy of patients with Covid-19

T.A. Voronin

Research Institute of Pharmacology. V.V. Zakusova, Moscow, Russian Federation

Place of publication:
Infectious diseases, 2020, T. 18, No. 2, P. 97–102

The article presents a review of the data that with a disease caused by COVID-19, along with impaired respiratory functions of the lungs (bronchoalveolar epithelium does not withheld oxygen, etc.), the level of hemoglobin and its ability to transfer oxygen to organs and tissues of the body, it decreases, the level of hema rises; Anokemia, oxygen starvation of organs and tissues of the whole organism and oxidative stress develops. Mexol, which was created in Russia, is widely used in medical practice, including diseases accompanied by ischemia and hypoxia. Mexol has an antihypoxic, antioxidant effect, the ability to restore mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction and, thus, affects key, basic processes in the cellular structures of the body and tissues of the body that occur in various hypoxic conditions. Mexidol can be useful in the complex therapy of patients with COVID-19. Key words: Covid-19, antioxidant, antihypoxant, hemoglobin, hypoxia, oxygen starvation, mexidol, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress.

The results of a randomized double blind multicenter placebo-controlled in parallel groups of the study and safety of Mexidol with prolonged consistent therapy in patients in the acute and early recovery periods


L.V. Stakhovskaya 1 , N.A. Shamalov 1 , DR Khasanova 2 , E.V. Melnikova 3 , A.S. Agafin 4 , K.V. Golikov 5 , E.I. Bogdanov 6 , A.A. Yakupova 6 , L.V. Roshkovskaya 7 , L.V. Lukin 8 , T.M. Lokstanova 9 , I.E. Patrunenova 10 , L.A. Shchepankevich 11

1 Research Institute of Cerebrovascular Pathology and Stroke of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia;
2 Igauz "Interregional Clinical and Diagnostic Center", Kazan, Russia;
3 St. Petersburg GBUZ "City Hospital No. 26", St. Petersburg, Russia;
4 St. Petersburg GBUZ "City Hospital No. 40 of the Resort Administrative District", St. Petersburg, Russia;
5 St. Petersburg GBUZ "City multidisciplinary hospital No. 2", St. Petersburg, Russia;
6 FSBEI in Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kazan, Russia;
7 St. Petersburg GBUZ "Nikolaev Hospital", St. Petersburg, Russia;
8 GBUZ "Vsevolozhsk Clinical Interdistrict Hospital", Leningrad Region, Russia;
9 Mubz "City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N.I. Pirogov ", Samara, Russia;
10 GBUZ "Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.D. Seredavina ”, Samara, Russia;
11 FGBNU "Scientific Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine", Novosibirsk, Russia.

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2017, No. 3, issue 2

Purpose of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of prolonged sequential therapy with Mexidol with patients with hemispherical ischemic stroke (AI) in acute and early recovery periods. Material and methods. 151 patients (62 men and 89 women) were included in the randomized double-centered placebo-controlled multicenter placebo-controlled in parallel research groups, 150 patients (62 men and 88 women) aged 40 to 79 years are randomized. Patients by simple randomization were distributed to 2 groups: patients of the 1st group received therapy with Mexidol of 500 mg/day intravenously for 10 days, followed by 1 tablet (125 mg) 3 times a day for 8 weeks. Patients of the 2nd group received a placebo according to a similar scheme. The duration of participation in the study was from 67 to 71 days. Results. At the time of the end of the therapy, the average score on the modified scale of Rankin (MSHR) was lower in the 1st group than in the 2nd (p = 0.04). The dynamics of reducing the average score according to MSHR (1-5th visit) was more pronounced in the 1st group (p = 0.023). The proportion of patients who have reached the recovery corresponding to 0-2 points in MSHR (5th visit) was significantly higher in the 1st group (p = 0.039). When testing on a stroke scale of the National Institute for Health to the 5th visit, the average value was lower in the 1st group (p = 0.035). A decrease in the score on the stroke scale of the National Institute for Health at the time of the end of the course of therapy regarding the initial level in patients with diabetes was more pronounced in the 1st group (p = 0.038). In the 1st group in the general population of patients and subpopulation of patients with diabetes, the dynamics of improving the quality of life was more pronounced and was observed from the 2nd visit. The proportion of patients with the lack of problems in space was significantly higher in the 1st group (p = 0.022). There were no reliable differences in the frequency of unwanted phenomena in patients of both groups. Conclusion. It is recommended that the use of Mexidol in the acute and early recovery periods of AI is recommended. Keywords: acute cerebrovascular accident, mexidol, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, effectiveness and safety, ischemic stroke, acute period, early recovery period, epic.

Pharmacoeconomic analysis of neuroprotectors used in the treatment of ischemic stroke

R.I. Yagudin 1 , A.Yu. Kulikov 1 , V.A. Krylov 1 , E.Yu. Soloviev 2 , A.I. Fedin 2

1 FGBU VO "First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenov »Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia;
2 FSBI in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov ", Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2019, T. 119, No. 7

Purpose of the study. Conduct a pharmacoeconomic analysis of the most frequently prescribed drugs of a group of neuroprotectors for the treatment of patients with an ischemic stroke (AI) of a mild and early recovery period in the Russian Federation. Material and methods. Three medical technologies were compared: ethylmethylhydroxypirinate (drug - LP - Mexidol), Inosin + nicotinamide + riboflavin + amber acid (LP cytoflavin) and disordered hemoderivat of blood calves (LP Actovegin). Based on the results of an indirect comparison, a pharmacoeconomic analysis was carried out through the following methods: analysis of cost minimization, analysis of “influence on the budget” and sensitivity analysis. Results. Analysis of effectiveness showed that the LP studied have equal efficiency: the difference of the average LP Aktovegin is 0.2 (di min 0.18; max 0.22), Mexol Mexidol LP (confidence interval - di - min 0.25; Max; 0.65), LP cytoflavin - 0.61 (di min 0.23; max 0.99). Analysis of the minimization of costs showed that the cost of a course of the treatment of one patient of the LP Mexol is accompanied by the lowest costs, while saving is observed when assessing both the total costs and individual components: a solution for injection and tablet forms. The savings in comparison with the LP Cytoflavin and LP Aktovegin is 231 rubles. and 12,872 rubles. respectively. It is possible to additionally treat 5 patients with AI Mexidol on saved only from one course. Moreover, the oral therapy of the Mexol Mexidol LP is more economical by 164 rubles. and 3481 rub. Therapies with similar dosage forms of the Cytoflavin and Actoveginal Public Use, which is an advantage for the population in treatment at the outpatient stage. An analysis of the impact on the budget showed that the total costs of the current distribution of patients according to treatment schemes are 1.99 billion rubles. With an increase in the share of patients receiving Mexidol LP, 10% of the total costs will amount to 1.75 billion rubles, which is 240 million rubles. Less current. On saved products, 85 thousand patients with AI can be additionally treated. A two -factor analysis of sensitivity showed that the result of the analysis of minimization of costs and the impact on the budget remains stable when the number of patients and the cost of 1 mg of Mexidol LP per amount from -10% to +10% changes. Conclusion. In the course of the indirect comparison, it was found that the LP Mexidol, the LP Cytoflavin and LP Actovegin are equal in terms of effectiveness. However, the Mexidol LP has an advantage from the point of view of analyzing the minimization of costs: there are enough funds saved from one course to treat 5 patients with II Mexidol. When considering the consequences of increasing the share of patients receiving Mexol's LP, data were also obtained indicating the savings of funds, which allows us to consider the therapy of the LP Mexoli -preserving budget -storage in the treatment of Easy degree in the Russian Federation. Key words: pharmacoeconomics, indirect comparison, analysis of cost minimization, analysis of “influence on the budget”, neuroprotectors, ischemic stroke.

Modern ideas about the antihypoxic and antioxidant effects of Mexidol

A.V. Schulkin

Place of publication:
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 12, 2018, Issue. 2

in the viewing article, a modern concept of mechanisms of antioxidant and antihypoxic effects of the original domestic drug Mexidol (2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypirinate) is presented. The direct antioxidant activity of Mexidol is described, which consists in the ability of the drug to inactivate free radicals and increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes of glutathioneperoxidase and in vitro superoxidism. The data on the presence of an indirect antioxidant activity in the Mexidol, manifested in an increase in expression in conditions of ischemia of the transcription factor NRF2, which is responsible for the development of cell stability to oxidative stress. The anti -human action of Mexidol is discussed, due to the presence of amber acid in its molecule, which, on the one hand, maintains the operation of the serpentinexidate link in the Krebs cycle under conditions of oxygen, and on the other hand, is associated with its specific receptors (GPR91) and triggers a cascade of biochemical reactions that increase the resistance of the resistance organism to a lack of oxygen. Keywords: Mexidol, ethylmethylhydroxypirinate, antioxidant, antihypoxant.

Promising Effects of Emoxypine and Its Succinate Derivate in the Management of Various Disess-Withs on Recent Patent Applications


Dhruv Sanjay Gupta, Siddhi Bagwe Parab, Ginpreet Kaur

Translated from Zhurnal Nevrologi I Psikhiatrii Imeni SS Korsakova, Vol. 121, no. 12, ISS. 2, pp. 69–76,
December 2021. Original Article Submitted December 20, 2021. Accepted December 22, 2021.

Place of publication:
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, Vol. 52, no. 5, June, 2022

Summary: Emoxypine and Its Succinate Derivative Share a Common Hydroxypridine Structure, Which Is to Pyridoxine. Thus compounds have been Utilized therapeutically and industrially, Owing to the Wide Range of Properties Offorded. This Includes Antihypoxic, Neuroprotective and Cardioprotective Effects, Along with Pharmacokinetic Benefits Such as the Blood Brain Brain Brain, O Wing to Its Relatively Small Size and Low Molecular Weight. IT Was Observed that Emoxypine Exhibited Iron Chelating Property in Vitro, Indicating Its Usage as a Promising Therapeutic Strategy in the Management of Neurodegenerate ONS SUCH ALZheimer's Disease (Ad), As Well as Hematologic Disorders Like Thalassemia and Hemochromatosis. In Addition to this, it has been Observed to Exert Antioxidant Effect, TheFore, It May BE Considered for the Amelioration of Disoraders Resulting From Free Radical Injury. Studies on Its Mechanism of Action and Implications on Cellular and Molecular Levels Would Help To Further The Understanding of Its Benefits, AS Soles Proospects for For Novel Applications. The Primary Focus of this Review is to dress on the Broad SPACTRUMACOLOGICAL Properties Offered BY Emoxypine and Its Succinate Derivative, and To HIGHHLIGHT THE Cope for An Increased Number of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Trite Assess Its Safety and Efficacy. In Addition to this, The Highlights of this Article Include the Recent Patents Field and Scope for Novel Applications of these Agents.  Keywords: NeuroinflamMation, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Iron Overload, Mexidol, Acute Kidney Injury, Cerebrooprotection

Cognitive disorders in patients with arterial hypertension

V.V. Zakharov 1 , P.A. Chernousov 1 , K.A. Vakhova 1 , A.N. Bogolepova 2.3
1 FGAOU VO "First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenov »Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia;
2 FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia;
3 of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2024, T. 124, No. 4, Issue. 2

arterial hypertension (AG) is a leading risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, including with the development of cerebrovascular complications. The lesion of the brain as an agricultural organ is manifested by a stroke and/or vascular cognitive impairment (SKN) of varying degrees of severity. In order to identify and assess the severity of SKN, patients with AH need to conduct a neuropsychological examination, and to verify the vascular nature of disorders - neuroimaging. For the prevention and treatment of KN, along with antihypertensive therapy, the use of neuroprotectors plays an important role, among which ethylmethydlhydroxypirinate is a serious evidence base (reference drug - Mexol). Keywords: arterial hypertension, cognitive disorders, cerebrovascular disease, neuroprotection, ethyl -methylhydroxypyridine succinate, Mexidol.

Neurometabolic therapy of moderate cognitive disorders in patients with chronic brain ischemia

E.A. Antipenko 1 , A.V. Shulyndin 2 , K.M. Belyakov 3

1 FSBEI in “Volga Research Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia;
2 LLC "Vectorfarm", Moscow, Russia;
3 GBUZ but "Nizhny Novgorod Regional Clinical Hospital named after N.A. Semashko ", Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2024, T. 124, No. 3

Purpose of the study. Assessment of the effect of consecutive therapy with Mexidol preparations (injections of 500 mg intravenously for 14 days) and Mexidol Forte 250 (tablets 250 mg 3 times a day for 60 days) for higher cortical functions in patients with moderate cognitive disorders (Ukrainian) in chronic ischemia brain (chem). Material and methods. In a comparative prospective study, 63 patients with Khim with Ukrainian are included. All patients received basic therapy aimed at reducing risk factors (antihypertensive, antitrobotic drugs). Patients of the main group (OG, N = 30, 12 men, 18 women) received Mexidol intravenously 500 mg per 100 ml of a 0.9% solution of NACL once a day for 14 days, then Mexidol Forte 250 to 250 mg 3 times a day for the next 60 days. The comparison group (GS) compiled 33 patients (14 men, 19 women) who received only basic therapy. Investigated the cognitive status (the MOCA scale, the frontal dysfunction battery, the memorization test of 10 words), the severity of asthenia (the MFI-20 scale), anxiety and depression (HADS scale), the patient’s assessment of state dynamics (CGI-Maintenance scale) at 1, 14 and 74 -y ± 5 days. Patients in the 1st and 74th ± 5 days of observation were examined by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TKMS) in order to study the neuronal activity of the cerebral cortex. Results. At the time of completion of treatment, a pronounced regression of UKR was noted (growth on the Moca 3 score scale, the difference with GS 1 point, p <0.0001; the tests of the frontal dysfunction batteries - 4 points, the difference with GS 2 points, p <0.001; the memorization test test 10 words - 2 points, the difference with GS 1 point, p <0.05), emotional (Hadss Alarm scale - 8 points, difference with GS 3 points, p <0.001, hads depression - 3.5 points, difference with GS 1 , 5 points, p <0.01), asthenic (scale MFI-20-30 points, difference with GS 15.5 points, p <0.01), improving the well-being of patients (CGI-speed scale-2 points, difference with GS 1 point, p <0.0001). According to the TKMS, a statistically significant decrease in the central motor time at the level of both motor motor neurons is bilaterally from the moment therapy (p <0.01) is determined. The reverse correlation of the time of the central motor conduct and the results of the tests of the frontal dysfunction battery for left -sided localization of the first motor neuron (p <0.01) was revealed. Conclusion. The results of the study of therapy with Mexidol drugs at 500 mg iv 1 time per day for 14 days, followed by the oral administration of Mexidol Fort 250, 1 tablet 3 times a day for 60 days indicate its clinical efficiency and safety in patients with Khim with UKR , and also confirm its significance for the prevention of the progression of the disease. Key words: chronic brain ischemia, moderate cognitive disorders, Mexidol, MOCA scale, frontal dysfunction, transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Treatment of patients with ischemic stroke in the vertebral-baslar system in the acute period: Experience in the use of the neuroprotective drug Mexidol

Z.A. Goncharova, I.V. Chernikova, V.A. Nazarova, V.V. Tolmacheva, K.G. Ovsepyan
FSBEI in "Rostov State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2024, T. 124, No. 2

Purpose of the study. To evaluate the clinical efficiency and safety of the drug Mexidol in patients in the acute period of ischemic stroke in the vertebral-baslar system (IIVBS).

Material and methods. The open randomized comparative study was attended by 52 patients, of which 32 were received by Mexidol (main group, OG) and 20 - standard therapy without the use of neuroprotective drugs (comparison group). Assessment of the severity of the clinical manifestations of IIVBS was carried out using the Hoffenberth scale, the severity of the stroke was estimated on the NiHSS scale, the degree of disability of patients after the stroke used the Rankin scale, a neuropsychological study of patients was carried out using the Montreal scales for evaluating cognitive functions (MOCA), a hospital of anxiety and depression scale (depression ( HADS), asthenication scales (MFI-20), assessment of the quality of life of patients was carried out using the EQ-5D questionnaire.

Results. The use of Mexidol in the form of prolonged sequential therapy in patients of the OG led to a decrease in the severity of the clinical manifestations of IIVBS by 53.3%, a neurological deficit on the NIHSS scale by 59.5%. By the end of the course of therapy by Mexidol, 96.9% of patients coped with their own affairs without outside help, which was accompanied by the regression of emotional disorders and an increase in the quality of life of patients.

Conclusion. The early appointment of Mexidol in therapy of patients with IIVBS can be considered the most justified, since it contributes to an earlier and significant decrease in neurological deficiency and improve the quality of life of patients.

Keywords: cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic stroke in the vertebral-baslar system, vertebral-baslar failure, neuroprotective therapy, Mexidol.

The use of Mexidol in patients with mild (moderate) cognitive disorders: the results of meta -analysis

V.V. Zakharov, N.V. Vakhnin
FGAOU VO "First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenov "Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2024, T. 124, No. 1

Purpose of the study. Conduct a meta -analysis of the effectiveness of Mexidol therapy in patients with chronic ischemia of the brain (chemical) and mild (moderate) cognitive disorders (KR).

Material and methods. This meta -analysis includes the results of research on the effectiveness of Mexidol with the Kyrgyz Republic, the severity of which was evaluated on the MOCA scale. The assessment of the combined effect included all publications based on the results of independent clinical studies, in which data assessments were presented at the Moca scale at a level sufficient for further statistical analysis. The main result of the meta -analysis was obtained for the final values ​​of the effectiveness indicator in groups of patients receiving Mexidol, in comparison with groups of basic therapy.

Results. The meta -analysis includes the results of 10 prospective clinical studies of the effectiveness of Mexidol against the background of basic therapy in patients with chemical and mild (moderate) cr. The main group was 482 patients, the comparison group was 455. When using the statistical model of random effects, the size of the effect was 2.06 points, 95% of the CI for the difference in efficiency in two groups - [0.98; 3.14 points] (p = 0.0002).

Conclusion. The statistically significant improvement in the cognitive functions of patients with chemicals against the background of the use of Mexidol was demonstrated.

Keywords: chronic brain ischemia, cognitive disorders, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, mexidol, treatment.

The effect of therapy with the drug Mexol on the regression of neurological deficiency and a functional outcome in patients with ischemic stroke: a systematic review and meta analysis

I.A. Voznyuk 1.2 , S.V. Kolomensev 2.3 , E.M. Morozova 1

1 FSBEI in "First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia;
2 Baltic Center for Neurotechnology and Artificial Intelligence FGAOU in Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant ”, Kaliningrad, Russia;
3 FSBVOU in the "Military Medical Academy named after CM. Kirova »Ministry of Defense of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2023, T. 123, No. 12, Issue. 2

Purpose of the study. A systematic assessment of information published in the reviewed publications on the effect of therapy with Mexidol with the course and outcome of ischemic stroke (AI) in adult patients.

Material and methods. The meta-analysis includes 11 studies published in Russian (2-randomized controlled, 9-incomeized unraveling cohort studies).

Results. Data was obtained indicating the positive effect of Mexol's drug on the course of AI in adult patients: statistically significant, when comparing with the comparison group, a decrease in the NIHSS scale on the 7-10s and 21-24 days and the values ​​of the modified Rankin scale by 5- 7th and 10-14th day. The accumulative effect of the drug is shown: the difference in values ​​on the NIHSS scale grows as the observation duration increases. The effect of Mexidol’s influence on the indicators on the NIHSS scale is all the more significant, the greater the initial severity of the neurological deficit.

Conclusion. The heterogeneity of the design and characteristics of patients led to significant statistical heterogeneity, and therefore the evidence presented at the time of writing the review require further study, taking into account the emergence of new data.

Keywords: ischemic stroke, neuroprotection, Mexidol, ethyl-methylhydroxypyridine succinate, meta-analysis, NIHSS scale, modified Rankin scale, cerebrovascular diseases.

Arterial hypertension and cognitive disorders. The gaze of a neurologist

A.I. Fedin

FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Place of publication:
a journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2023, T. 123, No. 11

a review of the literature on the relationship of cognitive disorders (KN) with arterial hypertension (AH) is presented. The pathogenetic mechanisms of AH are associated with the development of cerebral microangiopathy. In antihypertensive therapy (AGT), disorders of the autoregulation of cerebral blood flow should be taken into account with cerebrovascular disease and critical stenosis of large brain arteries, especially in patients over 80 years old. The importance of AGT, focused on the level of cerebral perfusion pressure, the severity of KN and the physical functioning of patients, is emphasized. Neurocytoprotective therapy is recommended for the correction of KN.

Key words: arterial hypertension, cognitive disorders, antihypertensive therapy, cerebral perfusion pressure.

Pharmacological correction of the cognitive status of patients with post -shoe syndrome

L.V. Chichanovskaya, T.A. Slyusar, Yu.V. Abramenko, T.M. Nekrasova, I.N. Slyusar

FSBEI in the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Tver

Place of publication:
Medical alphabet, 2023, No. 21

Purpose of the study. To study the effect of Mexidol ® and Mexidol ® Fort 250 on cognitive status of patients with post -shoe syndrome. Material and methods. 112 patients aged 24–60 years (55 men and 57 women) were examined, which were divided into two groups: the main one - 76 people with a confirmed coronaviral infection with symptoms that served as the basis for the diagnosis of post -icing syndrome (PKS), and control control - 36 people who have not painted coronavirus infection. Patients underwent a neurological and general somatic examination. For the study of cognitive functions, a brief scale for assessing the mental status (Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE) and a battery of tests for evaluating frontal dysfunction (Frontal Assessment Battle) was used. Memory was evaluated by the results of the subtest “memory” of khops, tests “10 words” and visual memory. The level of attention was investigated by the Schulta test and in the test “Verbal associations”, visual-spatial functions were evaluated using the clock test test. To correct the identified disorders, Mexidol ® according to the scheme 500 mg times a day daily intravenously for 14 days with the subsequent transition to Mexidol Fort ® 250 to 750 mg per day (one tablet 250 mg three times a day) for 2 months. Results. Patients with post -shoe syndrome were characterized by cognitive heterogeneity: in the structure of cognitive disorders they had lungs (46.0 %) and moderate (36.8 %) cognitive disorders. The course of treatment with Mexidol led to a decrease in the severity of the cognitive symptoms of the PKS. High efficiency and safety of prolonged sequential therapy with Mexidol (injections, then the tablet form Mexidol ® Forte 250). Keywords: post-shoe syndrome, coronavirus infection SARS-COV-2 New, Cognitive Disorders, Mexidol ® .

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Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

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