Cranial injury in clinical practice

Time codes:
  • 00:00

    General approaches to a patient with a traumatic brain injury 

  • 02:32

    Severity on the scale of the Coma Glasgow and postcommunication syndrome

  • 04:06

    Complications and consequences of traumatic brain injury

  • 05:15

    Research methods in the acute period

  • 07:25

    Neurocytoprotectors and their effectiveness

  • 11:27

    Recommendations for the use of Mexidol® in the acute period

  • 13:10

    Recommendations for pharmacotherapy after an acute period

  • 15:50

    The feasibility of repeated therapy courses in patients with traumatic brain injury

  • 16:17

    Clinical advantages of consistent therapy

Ekusheva Evgenia Viktorovna - MD, professor, head. Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurorebition of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the FGBC FMBA of Russia

Kamchatnov Pavel Rudolfovich - MD, professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics of the Faculty of Medicine RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov


It is impossible to prevent a traumatic brain injury. Moreover, the incidence remains very high. A frequent complication after a traumatic brain injury is postcommunication syndrome. Most often, such patients complain of a decrease in concentration of attention, as well as a violation of memory. The use of neurocytoprotectors, as one of the most promising groups of drugs for the treatment of neurological diseases, allows you to effectively support patients with traumatic brain injury. Mexidol®, with traumatic brain injury, stops oxidative stress and helps to normalize the metabolism of the brain.

Time codes:
  • 00:00

    General approaches to a patient with a traumatic brain injury 

  • 02:32

    Severity on the scale of the Coma Glasgow and postcommunication syndrome

  • 04:06

    Complications and consequences of traumatic brain injury

  • 05:15

    Research methods in the acute period

  • 07:25

    Neurocytoprotectors and their effectiveness

  • 11:27

    Recommendations for the use of Mexidol® in the acute period

  • 13:10

    Recommendations for pharmacotherapy after an acute period

  • 15:50

    The feasibility of repeated therapy courses in patients with traumatic brain injury

  • 16:17

    Clinical advantages of consistent therapy

Block of articles on this topic

Features of patients with traumatic brain injury

M.L. Chukhlovina 1 , A.A. Chukhlovin 2

1 FSBEI "National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia;
2 Russian Research Neurosurgical Institute. Prof. A.L. Polenova - branch of FSBEI "National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazova "of the Ministry of Health of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia

Oxidative stress and its drug correction by Mexidol with traumatic brain injury

N.V. Govorov

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Omsk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health", Omsk, Russia

The effectiveness of the drug "Mexidol" in patients with a combined traumatic brain injury

I.B. Savitskaya, V.V. Nikonov, A.V. Chernov, A.Yu. Pavlenko, A.V. Beletsky

Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkov City Clinical Hospital of Emergency and Emergency Medical Assistance

Mexidol in the prevention of intracranial hypertension syndrome with the consequences of closed traumatic brain injury

B.M. Doronin, A.Yu. Poyagin, O.B. Tyshkevich, V.B. Doronin

Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk

Clinical assessment of the drug Mexol in the treatment of severe traumatic brain injury at the stages of medical care

V.L. Dyushkevich

Voronezh State Medical Academy. N. N. Burdenko, Voronezh

Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

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