A.P. Pereverzev
FSBOU DPO RANMO of the Ministry of Health of Russia
A.P. Pereverzev
FSBOU DPO RANMO of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Place of publication:
New therapeutic journal Non Nocera, August 2021
For centuries, every representative of the fair sex wanted to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. For this, for example, Queen Cleopatra or Queen of England Elizabeth I daily took baths with milk (cows, goats, donkeys, etc.). In the Victorian era, women for the sake of whiteness of skin applied creams containing lead, which definitely did not contribute to health and a long happy life, the duration of which began to increase only in the twentieth century against the backdrop of the rapid development of medical science. According to the World Health Organization, for the period from 2015 to 2050, the number of people 60+ will increase from 900 million to 2 billion (from 12 to 22% in the total population of the world), that is, each 5th person will be over 60 years old. But is it possible to slow down even more or completely stop the aging process, and what is needed for this?
Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.
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