Slyusar T.A., Abramenko Yu.V., Rubin S.S., Mayorov R.V., Slyusar I.N.
FSBEI in the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Tver
Slyusar T.A., Abramenko Yu.V., Rubin S.S., Mayorov R.V., Slyusar I.N.
FSBEI in the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Tver
Place of publication:
Medical alphabet No. 22 /2021. Neurology and psychiatry (3)
Purpose of the study. To study the features of response to stress, stress resistance and adaptation of elderly men and women with chronic brain ischemia (Khim), as well as the stressful effect of Mexidol. Materials and methods. 124 patients aged 60–74 years were examined: 72 men and 52 women (average age, respectively, 65.3 ± 0.4 and 64.7 ± 0.7 years) with the I - II stage against the background of arterial hypertension and its combination from Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. The level of psychosocial stress was determined on the scale of Holmes-Roya. Features of the response of patients to stress were studied using the techniques of “scale of psychological stress RSM -25” and S. Rosenzweig. Stress resistance was investigated using the self -esteem of the stress resistance of S. Cohehen and G. Willianson. The levels of anxiety were determined using the scale of Ch. D. Spielberger and Yu. L. Khanin, depression - the questionnaire of BEK. The type of adaptive reactions was studied in the leukocyte blood formula for the percentage of lymphocytes and segmented neutrophils, taking into account the representation of other uniform elements. Results. The level of stress in elderly women with chemicals was higher than in men. In men, the predominance of intropunetary orientation of the reaction to stress and the resolving type of response was revealed, in women - an extrapunitive orientation and a self -defensive type of response, which indicated a greater frustration of women. The level of stress resistance in women was lower than that of men, and correlated with higher indicators of situational anxiety. Adverse adaptive reactions were more often recorded in women. The course of treatment with Mexidol of elderly patients with chemicals led to a decrease in the severity of subjective and objective symptoms, anxiety disorders, increased the stress resistance and adaptive capabilities of the body, which was confirmed by an increase in the number of persons with favorable adaptive reactions. The high efficiency and safety of consistent therapy with Mexidol (injections, then the tablet form of Mexidol Forte 250) is shown. Key words: chronic brain ischemia, gender, stress, stress resistance, emotional disorders, anxiety, depression, Mexidol, adaptive reactions.
Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.
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