A.I. Fedin
FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
A.I. Fedin
FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Place of publication:
New therapeutic magazine "Non Nocera", November 2021
A study of the effectiveness of the use of Mexidol in patients with COVID-19 amid chronic brain ischemia was carried out in St. Petersburg based on St. Petersburg GBUZ “City Hospital No. 38 named after N. A. Semashko. " 304 patients with HIGM and Covid-19 were observed; The 1st group (n = 152) was compiled by patients who received basic therapy and Mexidol, the 2nd group (n = 152) - received only basic therapy. For 14 days, Mexidol was prescribed intravenously with a drop of 500 mg (10 ml) per 400 ml of physiological solution, then Mexol Forte 250 was prescribed 1 tablet (250 mg) 3 times a day for 2 months. They evaluated the state of cognitive functions (Mosa scale), sleep (Spiegel questionnaire), asthenia (MFI-20 scale), quality of life (SIP questionnaire). The examination was carried out before the start of treatment, 30 and 75 days after its beginning. According to the results of the study, in patients in the administration of the drug Mexidol, there were more complete and early restoration of the state of cognitive functions (increase in indicators on the Mosa scale), regression of asthenia, and normalization of sleep. Among the patients of this group, by the end of the study, there were significantly more patients with complete or significant restoration of all indicators of the quality of life.
Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.
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