Most often, a mixed version of ADHG in children begins to manifest itself already at the age of 3-4 years. The child is easily excited, flirting, may show impatience (trying to get what he desired as soon as possible, interrupts others). Due to impulsive behavior, a child can injure himself or other people. Often, with this form of ADHD, children cannot recognize the defeat in the game and excessively emotionally or even aggressively react.
The emotional splash follows overwork, which is manifested by tearfulness and moodiness, against this background problems with falling asleep are possible. Parents most often characterize this condition as “overgrow”.
Children with ADHD constantly have difficulty in learning. First of all, restlessness, the inability to concentrate on the tasks and bring their solution to the end prevent the training. The child suffers from forgetfulness and distraction. For example, he can run for some purpose during the game, but be distracted by something along the way. The child's attention quickly switches. This especially interferes with the development of reading and account skills. Such classes quickly bother them, and their attention goes to other things.