

Changes in the instructions for the medical use of Mexidol: a new indication (ADHD) and children's age (6+)

Dear colleagues, we inform you about the inclusion of a new indication - attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity (ADHD) in children aged 6 to 12 years, including hyperactivity, impaired attention, impulsiveness.

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In/m injections at home - saving time of the procedural office and convenience for young patients

With the high -speed rhythm of life that is now, many patients, especially working age, do not always manage to find time in their dense schedule for visiting the procedural office. Nevertheless, they also get sick and they can also diagnose serious pathologies that will require the purpose of the course of effective therapy, including Injection forms.

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The article “The results of a multicenter double blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical study on assessing the effectiveness and safety of the drug Mexidol in the treatment of attention deficit syndrome in children (mega)”

In the “Library” , the “evidence base” posts the article “Results of a multicenter dual blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical study on assessing the effectiveness and safety of the drug Mexidol in the treatment of a deficiency of attention with hyperactivity in children (mega)”.

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The results of a unique and first one kind of international multicenter randomized double-centered placebo-controlled study on the study of the efficiency of consecutive therapy with Mexidol® and Mexidol® Forte 250 in patients with chronic brain ischemia (Memo)

The results of an international multicenter randomized double-blind-controlled study of the efficiency and safety of sequential therapy of patients with chronic brain ischemia drugs Mexidol ® and Mexidol ® Forte 250 (study of Memo) conducted in full accordance with the international ethical and scientific research standard and conducting research with the participation Man (GCP), published in the journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2021; 121 (11): 7–16., The host of the Higher Attestation Commission - a reviewed publication for neurologists and psychiatrists of Russia.


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Consistent, prolonged therapy - the key to effective treatment

In order to fully disclose the therapeutic potential of the drug Mexidol ®, it is consistent long -term therapy (randomized clinical examination of Epica 1 , 2017): first 14 days of injection (saturation phase), with the subsequent transition to a tablet form of Mexidol ® or Mexol ® 250 V. the course of 2 months (phase of maximization of the therapeutic effect). The frequency of therapy is 2-3 times a year or during periods of exacerbations.

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News of medicine

World Week of the Glaucoma from 09 to 15 March: What is important to know?

From March 9 to March 15, the World Wide Week Week is held around the world, aimed at increasing the awareness of the disease, which remains one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness. Glaucoma is a chronic progressive disease of the optic nerve, requiring a comprehensive approach to treatment.

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About the drug Mexidol®

Congratulations on International Women's Day - March 8!

Dear women!

Congratulations on International Women's Day - March 8!
This day is a great reason to express our sincere appreciation for your beauty, wisdom, kindness and inspiration that you give every day. You make the world brighter, warmer and harmonious.

May there always be a place in your life happiness, smiles, love and new achievements. Stay as beautiful, self -confident and surrounded by the care of loved ones.

Happy holiday! Let every day bring joy and inspiration!

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About the drug Mexidol®

Congratulations on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day!

We congratulate you on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland - the holiday of courage, courage and patriotism! February 23 is not only a day of honoring those who are on guard of our homeland, but also a great reason to express gratitude to everyone who protects their values, family and loved ones who seeks To peace and stability. We are proud that our team has strong, purposeful and responsible people who every day prove their devotion to the cause and ability to overcome any difficulties. We wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, self -confidence and new achievements in both professional and personal life. Let your path be filled with joy, respect and success!

Happy holiday! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

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About the drug Mexidol®

We sincerely congratulate the New Year 2025!

We wish that next year to bring you as many joys as days a year, and that every day give you a smile and a piece of good. Let everything that you planned will definitely come true: everything that you wanted to start will begin, and what you wanted to finish will end. May we all become happier, kinder and more attentive to the people around us in the next year, and the world will reveal new doors to us!

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About the drug Mexidol®

Congratulations on the day of the neurologist!

We sincerely wish you great success, professional growth, development, great health, wonderful mood, pleasant prosperity, life happiness, goodness, smiles. Let there are no insurmountable obstacles and incurable ailments for you. Let each patient be saved and completely returned to a comfortable life.

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The advantage of intensive decrease in blood pressure has been proved

Scientists from the national center of cardiovascular diseases in Beijing compared the effectiveness of a decrease in systolic pressure levels to 120 mm Hg. and up to 140 mm Hg. The results of the ESPRIT study were presented at the scientific session of the American AHA-2023 Association and published on the Medscape portal.

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News of medicine

Resolution of the Council of Experts "The possibilities of neuroprotective therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and cognitive disorders"

Neuroprotection should serve as an integral part of patients with AG. It is recommended to supplement the algorithm for drug treatment of patients with hypertension by turning on ethylmethylhydroxypyridine of succinate (Mexidol ® ) in the clinical recommendations “Arterial hypertension in adults” (i10/i11/i12/i13/i15, according to ICD-10).

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About the drug Mexidol®

Mexidol® - Bereday care for children's health

NPK Farmasoft LLC reports on the inclusion of a new indication - attention deficit syndrome in children (age from 6 years), including hyperactivity, impaired attention, impulsivity - in the instructions for the medical use of the drug Mexidol ® tablets covered film shell, 125 mg. "

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About the drug Mexidol®

Changes in the instructions for the medical use of Mexidol: a new indication (ADHD) and children's age (6+)

Dear colleagues, we inform you about the inclusion of a new indication - attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity (ADHD) in children aged 6 to 12 years, including hyperactivity, impaired attention, impulsiveness.

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News of medicine

In/m injections at home - saving time of the procedural office and convenience for young patients

With the high -speed rhythm of life that is now, many patients, especially working age, do not always manage to find time in their dense schedule for visiting the procedural office. Nevertheless, they also get sick and they can also diagnose serious pathologies that will require the purpose of the course of effective therapy, including Injection forms.

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News of medicine

The influence of influenza on memory and brain activity

Influenza is an acute infectious disease that affects both the upper and lower respiratory tract, the causative agent of which is the virus.

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About the drug Mexidol®

The article “The results of a multicenter double blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical study on assessing the effectiveness and safety of the drug Mexidol in the treatment of attention deficit syndrome in children (mega)”

In the “Library” , the “evidence base” posts the article “Results of a multicenter dual blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical study on assessing the effectiveness and safety of the drug Mexidol in the treatment of a deficiency of attention with hyperactivity in children (mega)”.

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About the drug Mexidol®

The results of a unique and first one kind of international multicenter randomized double-centered placebo-controlled study on the study of the efficiency of consecutive therapy with Mexidol® and Mexidol® Forte 250 in patients with chronic brain ischemia (Memo)

The results of an international multicenter randomized double-blind-controlled study of the efficiency and safety of sequential therapy of patients with chronic brain ischemia drugs Mexidol ® and Mexidol ® Forte 250 (study of Memo) conducted in full accordance with the international ethical and scientific research standard and conducting research with the participation Man (GCP), published in the journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova, 2021; 121 (11): 7–16., The host of the Higher Attestation Commission - a reviewed publication for neurologists and psychiatrists of Russia.


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About the drug Mexidol®

Consistent, prolonged therapy - the key to effective treatment

In order to fully disclose the therapeutic potential of the drug Mexidol ®, it is consistent long -term therapy (randomized clinical examination of Epica 1 , 2017): first 14 days of injection (saturation phase), with the subsequent transition to a tablet form of Mexidol ® or Mexol ® 250 V. the course of 2 months (phase of maximization of the therapeutic effect). The frequency of therapy is 2-3 times a year or during periods of exacerbations.

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Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

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