Brain - target of arterial hypertension

Time codes:
  • 01:03

    Complications of arterial hypertension

  • 03:00

    Symptoms of brain damage against hypertension

  • 04:00

    Difficulties in identifying vascular brain damage

  • 08:10

    Therapy strategy 

  • 10:00

    Therapy targets and the choice of the drug

  • 11:25

    Mexidol® research and their results 

  • 12:27

    Step treatment regimen with Mexidol® 

  • 13:28

    A comprehensive approach to the correction of cognitive disorders

Ostroumova Olga Dmitrievna - MD, professor, head. Department of Therapy and Polymorbid Pathology. Academician M.S. VLUSSi FSBEI DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Zakharov Vladimir Vladimirovich - MD, professor at the Department of Nervous Diseases Faculty of Medicine of the First MGMU named after THEM. Sechenov


Hypertension is the main risk factor for the development of hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. In addition, this is one of the strongest risk factors for the development of cognitive disorders. Neurocytoprotective therapy is a whole direction in neurology, which uses various drugs to protect the brain. How to choose the right neurocytoprotector? It is important to pay attention to its mechanism of action. An ideal drug should have a polymodal effect, that is, to affect various processes associated with brain damage. One of these drugs is Mexidol ® . In this video, experts will talk about the use of Mexidol®, why Mexidol® with hypertension, this is an important level of treatment.

Block of articles on this topic

Resolution of the Council of Experts "The possibilities of neuroprotective therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and cognitive disorders"
The possibilities of multimodal neuroprotection in patients with chronic brain ischemia against the background of arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis

I.A. Gribacheva, T.F. Popova, E.V. Petrova, A.V. Zvonkova

FSBEI in Novosibirsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Cognitive disorders in the practice of a primary link: Focus for patients with arterial hypertension

O.D. Ostroumova, A.I. Kochetkov, N.A. Shatalova

International multicenteric randomized double-tied placebo-controlled study of evaluating the effectiveness and safety of sequential therapy of patients with chronic brain ischemia drugs Mexidol® and Mexidol® Forte 250 (study of memo): Subanalysis results in patients with arterial hypertension

V.V. Zakharov 1 , O.D. Ostroumova 1.2 , A.I. Kochetkov 2 , M.V. Klepikov 2 , A.I. Fedin 3

The importance of identifying and diagnosing signs of brain damage to arterial hypertension

T.M. Ostroumova, O.D. Ostroumova

Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

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