Mexidol® with degenerative diseases in the spine, neck pain, dizziness, brain ischemia

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  • 00:00

    Vertebral artery syndrome and its manifestation

  • 01:02

    Mexidol® and its multimodal effect: Mexidol® from neck pain, Mexidol® with ischemia, Mexidol® for dizziness

Fedin Anatoly Ivanovich - MD, honorary professor, head of the university clinic of neurology RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogova, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation


The syndrome of the vertebral artery, or spa is a serious pathology in which the blood flow in the vertebral artery is disturbed due to various causes (in particular, due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine), and manifested by dizziness, impaired coordination of movement, double-eye in the eyes, etc. The same brain ischemia (discirculatory encephalopathy), but associated with degenerative diseases in the spine. It is extremely important to prevent the progression of the condition and choose effective comprehensive treatment, including drug and non -human therapy.

Find out more in the video " Dorsopathy in general clinical practice ."

Block of articles on this topic

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Treatment of dizziness in elderly patients with chronic cerebrovascular pathology


Research Institute of Therapy and Preventive Medicine-a branch of the Federal State University "Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences", Novosibirsk, Russia

The results of an international multicenter randomized double-blind-controlled study of evaluating the effectiveness of the effectiveness and safety of consistent therapy of patients with chronic brain ischemia with Mexidol and Mexidol Forte 250 (study of Memo)

A.I. Fedin 1 , V.V. Zakharov 2 , M.M. Tanashian 3 , E.I. Chukanova 1 , E.N. Majidova 4 , L.A. Shchepankevich 5.6 , O.D. Ostroumova 7

The effectiveness of Mexidol in patients of different age groups with chronic brain ischemia with cognitive disorders (the results of subanalysis of the international multicenter randomized double blind placebo-controlled study of memes)

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Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

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