
News of medicine

In/m injections at home - saving time of the procedural office and convenience for young patients

With the high -speed rhythm of life that is now, many patients, especially working age, do not always manage to find time in their dense schedule for visiting the procedural office. Nevertheless, they also get sick and they can also diagnose serious pathologies that will require the purpose of the course of effective therapy, including Injection forms.

In cases where the drug you prescribed has an intramuscular form of administration (according to the instructions for medical use/OKLP), you can focus the patient's attention to the possibility of undergoing this therapy at home. And so that the patient does not have any questions, the specialists of the medical resource prepared a simple and short memo on the implementation of intramuscular injections at home, which can be downloaded by the link below:

Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

Source of photos and images