Pharmacon supervision Russia

LLC NPK Pharmasoft performs constant monitoring of the safety of our products. The collection of security information gives the company the opportunity to receive and provide patients and doctors with the most complete and reliable information about the drug, which in turn helps doctors to better control the treatment of patients. Following the ethical principles and requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and other countries, we collect information on security, process it, evaluate and bring to the attention of regulatory bodies and doctors.

If you became aware of the undesirable phenomena that arose in the process of using drugs LLC NPK Pharmasoft, and/or about claims to their effectiveness and quality, please report this:

at: 109544, Moscow,
Enthusiasts Boulevard, 2

By e -mail:

Or call the phone:
+7 (495) 626-47-55 

This information is very important for us! Your assistance helps us increase the safety and effectiveness of the company's drugs and protect the rights, well -being and safety of patients.
The sender of the message confirms that the information provided by him is complete, accurate and reliable, does not violate the current legislation, legal rights and interests of third parties. The information received will not be distributed publicly. They can be represented by authorized regulatory authorities. In accordance with the provisions of the proper practice of the pharmacon supervision, approved by the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 87 dated November 1, 2016, the information submitted is subject to processing, systematization, depersonalization and storage for at least 10 years after the termination of state registration certificates.

    An employee of the Pharmacon supervision department of the NPK Pharmasoft LLC can contact the person who sent the message to clarify the information presented in the message. This agreement is valid indefinitely and can be withdrawn by sending a written application to the address:

    Notification of the side effects, undesirable reaction or the absence of the expected therapeutic effect of the drug

    Data of the reporting person

    Information about the patient

    The drug (PM) No. 1, which supposedly caused an unwanted reaction (hereinafter referred to as the text of the HP)

    Drug (PM) No. 2, which supposedly caused HP

    Drug (PM) No. 3, which supposedly caused HP

    Other drugs taken over the past 3 months, including drugs taken by the patient independently (by his own decision)

    Description of Nr*:

    Select from the list*


    The consequences of recovery

    Criteria for the seriousness of NR:

    Significant additional information:

    The data of clinical, laboratory, radiological studies and autopsy, including the determination of the concentration of drugs in the blood/tissues, if any are related to HP (please give dates). 

    Concomitant diseases. Anamnestic data, suspected drug interactions:
    for congenital anomalies, indicate all other drugs accepted during pregnancy, as well as the date of the last menstruation.
    Please attach additional pages, if necessary.

    *Fields mandatory.

    Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

    Source of photos and images