Why Mexidol®?

Time codes:
  • 01:02

    History of the drug Mexidol®

  • 01:40

    The mechanism of action of the drug Mexidol®

  • 03:03

    Mexidol® - pharmacological effects

  • 03:54

    Clinical effects and safety of Mexidol®

  • 04:30

    Security Profile

  • 05:09

    The optimal dose and duration of intravenous infusion and intramuscular injection

  • 05:50

    Mexol 125 mg, Mexidol® Fort 250 mg transition

  • 06:20

    Evidence base of the effectiveness of Mexidol

  • 06:45

    The results of the study of Epic

  • 08:16

    Clinical recommendations

  • 09:40

    Differences in Mexidol® and analogues.

Schukin Ivan Aleksandrovich - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics LF RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov


Schukin Ivan Alexandrovich - candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Neurology of the Russian State Medical University, answers the main questions about the drug Mexol®. Why is Mexidol® so widely prescribed and popular among doctors and patients? What pharmacological and clinical effects does it have? What is the evidence base and methods of using the drug Mexidol®? Let's figure it out!

Block of articles on this topic

Mexidol: a spectrum of pharmacological effects

T.A. Voronin

Nii pharmacology named after V.V. Zakusov RAMS, Moscow

Original and reproduced drugs: what do the clinician need to know?

A.V. Schulkin, A.A. Filimonova
FSBEI in the Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ryazan, Russia

To the question of the evidence base of neuroprotective therapy: Focus on ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate

A.I. Kochetkov, N.A. Shatalova, M.V. Klepikova, T.V. Filippova, O.D. Ostroumova

FSBEA DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow

The results of a randomized double blind multicenter placebo-controlled in parallel groups of the study and safety of Mexidol with prolonged consistent therapy in patients in the acute and early recovery periods
The results of an international multicenter randomized double-blind-controlled study of evaluating the effectiveness of the effectiveness and safety of consistent therapy of patients with chronic brain ischemia with Mexidol and Mexidol Forte 250 (study of Memo)

A.I. Fedin 1 , V.V. Zakharov 2 , M.M. Tanashian 3 , E.I. Chukanova 1 , E.N. Majidova 4 , L.A. Shchepankevich 5.6 , O.D. Ostroumova 7

Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

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