The main problems of cognitive disorders in the elderly and dementia.
Scales and identification of the degree of cognitive deficiency
Screening scales: Mini Cog, a brief scale for assessing mental status, Montreal scale for assessing cognitive functions
General examination of the patient and the importance of turning on tests in the examination
Pharmacotherapy of elderly patients on the basis of clinical recommendations
Criteria for choosing the drug and exclusion of polypragmasis.
Mexidol® in old age - an effective and safe drug
The study of the drug Mexidol® on elderly patients. Subanaliz.
Complex management of a patient with cognitive disorders
Resource for cognitive training of patients -
Ekusheva Evgenia Viktorovna - MD, professor, head. Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurorebition of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the FGBC FMBA of Russia
Mkhitaryan Helene Araikovna - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Diseases of Style FDPO RNEMU named after N.I. Pirogov MZ of the Russian Federation, head. Laboratory of Neuroheriatry of the RGNCC
Age is a relative concept. In the last century, the age of 60 years seemed already deep old age. Currently, patients are 70+, even 80+, is not uncommon at the doctor. Cognitive disorders can be a sign of serious diseases and require attention from the doctor. Diagnosis of cognitive disorders should begin in the early stages . Mexidol® in old age is an effective and safe drug. The video presents diagnostic methods and the principles of cognitive disorders in patients are disclosed.
The main problems of cognitive disorders in the elderly and dementia.
Scales and identification of the degree of cognitive deficiency
Screening scales: Mini Cog, a brief scale for assessing mental status, Montreal scale for assessing cognitive functions
General examination of the patient and the importance of turning on tests in the examination
Pharmacotherapy of elderly patients on the basis of clinical recommendations
Criteria for choosing the drug and exclusion of polypragmasis.
Mexidol® in old age - an effective and safe drug
The study of the drug Mexidol® on elderly patients. Subanaliz.
Complex management of a patient with cognitive disorders
Resource for cognitive training of patients -
Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.
Source of photos and images