Mexidol® with glaucoma and age -related macular degeneration

Time codes:
  • 00:00

    Glaucoma and glaucoma optical neurocytopathy

  • 01:01

    Age -related macular degeneration of retina

  • 01:18

    The statistics of the incidence

  • 01:59

    Similarities and differences between glaucoma and macular degeneration of the retina

  • 02:20

    Retinoprotection and use of Mexidol® 

Egorov Evgeny Alekseevich - MD, professor, president of the Russian glaucomal society, head. Department of ophthalmology named after Academician A.P. Nesterova Rnim them. N.I. Pirogov


Glaucoma is a quiet killer of the optic nerve. The main danger of glaucoma is that often its course is imperceptible to the patient and can progress without impaired intraocular pressure. The second terrible disease is age -related macular degeneration. It affects the center of the macula in the retina responsible for clear vision. Glaucoma and macular degeneration of the retina are two diseases that can lead to blindness. To preserve visual functions in these diseases, it is very important to carry out retinoprotection - retinal protection. Mexidol ®, with glaucoma and other lesions of the optic nerve, showed high efficiency as a neurocytoprotector.

Block of articles on this topic

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2 GAUZ “Regional Ophthalmological Dispensary”, Tyumen, Russia

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A.B. Movsisyan 1.2 , J.G. Oganezova 2.3 , E.A. Egorov 2

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2 FGAOU in Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia;
3 FGBNU "Medical and Genetical Scientific Center named after Acad. N.P. Bochkova ", Moscow, Russia

The experience of neuroprotective therapy of primary open -angle glaucoma based on the use of various forms of Mexidol

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Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute. M.F. Vladimir

Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

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