Mexidol®. Evidence medicine: just about the complex.

Time codes:
  • 00:00

    Evidence medicine and randomized clinical trials.

  • 04:09

    Levels of evidence -based medicine. The reliability of the evidence and the persuasiveness of the recommendations. Clinical recommendations.

  • 12:50

    Sample of the studied patients and the results of clinical research

  • 15:35

    Antioxidant and antihypoxic effects of the drug

  • 17:35

    Mexidol® is the most studied drug in the group of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine of succinate

  • 18:42

    RCI Epica - primary and final points in the study. The results of the study of the drug Mexidol® in patients with acute cerebral stroke

  • 26:00

    RCT memo - effectiveness and safety of the drug Mexidol® in the treatment of chronic brain ischemia. Sample, research design and results.

  • 33:13

    RCTs Mega - Mexidol® children: the effectiveness and safety of the drug in the treatment of a deficiency of attention and hyperactivity deficiency in children from 6 years old. Sample, research design and results.

Ekusheva Evgenia Viktorovna - MD, professor, head. Department of Nervous Diseases and Neurorebition of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the FGBC FMBA of Russia

Schukin Ivan Aleksandrovich - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics LF RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov


Evidence medicine is the principle of clinical practice, which is based on the results of randomized controlled studies, and not individual opinions and ideas of a particular doctor. A randomized controlled study is a method of a scientific and practical medical experiment, in which the studied are randomly divided into groups: some patients fall into an experimental-the main group (for example, therapeutic), while others-into the control (for example, into a group of placebo). Clinical recommendations are currently developed and continued to be developed, which are based on the evidence base and the result of many studies. They help to determine which drug or treatment method is effective in each case. One of the drugs that meet the requirements of evidence -based medicine, and which is included in clinical recommendations in the treatment of a stroke, is Mexidol ® . The important effects of the drug include antioxidant, antihypoxic and membrane -stabilizing

Time codes:
  • 00:00

    Evidence medicine and randomized clinical trials.

  • 04:09

    Levels of evidence -based medicine. The reliability of the evidence and the persuasiveness of the recommendations. Clinical recommendations.

  • 12:50

    Sample of the studied patients and the results of clinical research

  • 15:35

    Antioxidant and antihypoxic effects of the drug

  • 17:35

    Mexidol® is the most studied drug in the group of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine of succinate

  • 18:42

    RCI Epica - primary and final points in the study. The results of the study of the drug Mexidol® in patients with acute cerebral stroke

  • 26:00

    RCT memo - effectiveness and safety of the drug Mexidol® in the treatment of chronic brain ischemia. Sample, research design and results.

  • 33:13

    RCTs Mega - Mexidol® children: the effectiveness and safety of the drug in the treatment of a deficiency of attention and hyperactivity deficiency in children from 6 years old. Sample, research design and results.

Block of articles on this topic

The results of an international multicenter randomized double-blind-controlled study of evaluating the effectiveness of the effectiveness and safety of consistent therapy of patients with chronic brain ischemia with Mexidol and Mexidol Forte 250 (study of Memo)
The results of a randomized double blind multicenter placebo-controlled in parallel groups of the study and safety of Mexidol with prolonged consistent therapy in patients in acute and early restorations. Periods

L.V. Stakhovskaya 1 , N.A. Shamalov 1 , DR Khasanova 2 , E.V. Melnikova 3 , A.S. Agafin 4 , K.V. Golikov 5 , E.I. Bogdanov 6 , A.A. Yakupova 6 , L.V. Roshkovskaya 7 , L.V. Lukin 8 , T.M. Lokstanova 9 , I.E. Patrunenova 10 , L.A. Shchepankevich 1 1

1 Research Institute of Cerebrovascular Pathology and Stroke of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia;
2 GAUZ "Interregional Clinical and Diagnostic Center", Kazan, Russia;
3 St. Petersburg GBUZ "City Hospital No. 26", St. Petersburg, Russia;
4 St. Petersburg GBUZ "City Hospital No. 40 of the Resort Administrative District", St. Petersburg, Russia;
5 St. Petersburg GBUZ "City multidisciplinary hospital No. 2", St. Petersburg, Russia;
6 FSBEI in Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kazan, Russia;
7 St. Petersburg GBUZ "Nikolaev Hospital", St. Petersburg, Russia;
8 GBUZ "Vsevolozhsk Clinical Interdistrict Hospital", Leningrad Region, Russia;
9 Mubz "City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N.I. Pirogov ", Samara, Russia;
10 GBUZ "Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.D. Seredavina ”, Samara, Russia;
11 FGBNU "Scientific Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine", Novosibirsk, Russia.

The results of a multicenter dual blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical study on the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of the drug Mexidol in the treatment of attention deficit syndrome in children (mega)
Randomized dual-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effectiveness and safety of Mexidol in the complex therapy of ischemic stroke in the acute period

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Department of Fundamental and Clinical Neurology of the Russian State Medical University, Research Institute of Cytochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Moscow

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A.V. Schulkin, A.A. Filimonova
FSBEI in the Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ryazan, Russia

Information is intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. This information cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation.

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